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Lesney Matchbox error pieces 2015
or, the oops hall of fame 2015.

These were all submitted to me in 2015 and are shown here in no particular order, Most are from Forum Members with a few borrowed from ebay and elswhere, These could not have been compiled without your help so a big thank you to all of you that submitted the photos,

John (Johnboy) from the Forum sent this picture of his 35a ERF Horsebox with a bad case of wheel error, This one has standard size rear wheels and oversize front wheels, Nice oops John, Thanks for sharing.
 photo johnboyhorsebox_zpsjzg1t2s8.jpg

Here we have a photo of a 6d Ford Pickup truck with the interior fitted incorrectly so that the seat unit is lying on its back, This one was sent in by Reg (Fixer) the demon of Brentwood toyfair, Thanks for sharing Reg.  photo fixerseats_zpswdv799co.jpg

This 13a Bedford Breakdown truck contains some of the waste metal left over from when it was made so no not a good day for quality control in the Lesney factory, Photo courtesy of some online auction company somewhere.  photo ebayhhh_zps92mq0fcr.jpg

This much playworn Cadillac Ambulance displays a nice but rather unsettling decal error where the two decals combined display a tombstone instead of the usual red cross. Ambulance or hearse?, Photo thanks to Chris (Ford a 30) from the Forum, Thanks for sharing Chris.  photo chris ford a 30_zpsudjxoxgm.jpg

From the Major pack series comes this M8a Moblilgas tanker with a rather nice wheel oops, photo courtesy that auction site.  photo eb1_zpsvlaprrnv.jpg

This photo of a 45a Vauxhall Victor was sent to me by Jason Main, It shows a mixture of wheel sizes and tread count so not great when it comes to roadholding, Nice error though Jason, Thanks for sharing.,  photo jasonmain_zpsrolontsr.jpg

Another example of a pieces of metal sprue still being attached to a toy after 40+ years despite being designed to fail. This one is from the collection of Gavin (Taniwah) from the Forum, Thanks for sharing Gavin.  photo gavintaniwah_zpsltnytauz.jpg

And now a wheel error to this number 15c Dennis Refuse truck, It looks like someone has fitted a space saver spare wheel to this one, This photo is courtesy of Jeff (llrp) from the Forum, Thanks for sharing Jeff.  photo jeff llrp_zpstirwmoeu.jpg

Although finding mixed tread type wheels is fairly common on the 27c Caddilac this example with silver and grey is certainly not your everday find, The tread patterns and wheel sizes look the same, A very nice error this time from Fintail from the Forum, Thanks for sharing Fintail.  photo fintail27cg6_zpsh3cufjmv.jpg

Shock horror, Don't show Ghostie this. A Rolls Royce with a missing hubcap. This photo was sent in by Chris (Ford a 30) from the Forum, Thanks Chris for this photo, which puts me in mind of getting a glimpse of her ladyships ankles.  photo chris ford a 30 wheel_zps9rjwb1x4.jpg

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