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Lesney Matchbox error pieces 2015
or, the oops hall of fame 2015.

These were all submitted to me in 2015 and are shown here in no particular order, Most are from Forum Members with a few borrowed from ebay and elswhere, These could not have been compiled without your help so a big thank you to all of you that submitted the photos,

Forum member Dr. Jazz sent in this picture of his rare Aral Bedford Tanker with a misalligned decal. Nice find. Thanks for sharing Jazz. Thats just what the doctor ordered.
 photo dr jazz1_zpssrp4ndjg.jpg

Finding the odd loose rivet is not uncommon but finding a completely unriveted model like this very rare. This example is owned by Forum member Dwarehouse1. Thanks for sharing Dwarehouse.  photo dwarehouse1_zpsqumcbl25.jpg

Dwarehouse1 strikes again!. This time with a number 67b Volkswagen 1600tl baseplate that got damaged by the riveting machine when the model was placed into it incorrectly. Thanks again Dwarehouse1. And thank goodness the baseplate has a patent number inscribed as well.  photo dwarehouse2_zpsjtbd7k3x.jpg

Although impossible to prove this broken window unit does look like a factory error, The lack of damage to the surrounding paintwork would suggest that the damage was done before the windows were fitted, Photo by Alan Houtz, Thanks for sharing Alan.  photo alanhoutz_zpshudjmlku.jpg

This one could be an error but I have had similar results from a childhood toy that went through the washing machine inside my trousers pocket. Not pretty!!. This photo was sent in by Forum member Mike & Nico, Thanks Mike, Thanks Nico.  photo DSCN7948mikenico_zpsf1oucpmd.jpg

But here we have a very similar item which has its box so the washing machine answer looks a lot less likely. A gentle touch with a finger can be enough to displace a decal when it is still drying. Borrowed from an auction site.  photo eb3_zpsyown326u.jpg

A reversed front wheel on this number 64 Slingshot Dragster gets it into the oops hall of fame 2015, Nice one Reg (aka Fixer from the Forum)  photo fixerwheel_zpse2w123qj.jpg

Here we have a super paint fail from the collection of Jason Coker aka Nearlymint from the forum. Obviously the crane jib fell onto its unpainted side just as the component was about to be sprayed with paint leaving that man Jason owning yet another piece that I want!. Thanks for sharing Jason.  photo jasonhalfpaint_zpsoykdl5pz.jpg

This exremely rare colour variation 22b Vauxhall Cresta has odd wheels, Large nobbly at the front and smaller fine tread at the back, But even in this condition it would put a smile on most collectors faces if they were to find one like this for a few pennies at a boot sale. Picture, that auction place,  photo eb7_zpsy2g3hdov.jpg

This number 53 Ford Flareside pickup has been fitted with the wrong rear wheels, Instead of being fitted with the taller knobbly front wheel it had low profiles put on. Not good for fuel economy as everywhere is uphill :) . Photo by Familybucket from the Forum.  photo familybucket43wheels_zpsj6jl49du.jpg

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