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Lesney Matchbox error pieces 2015
or, the oops hall of fame 2015.

These were all submitted to me in 2015 and are shown here in no particular order, Most are from Forum Members with a few borrowed from ebay and elswhere, These could not have been compiled without your help so a big thank you to all of you that submitted the photos,

Another 35 Merryweather. This time is fitted with a wheel without the usual chrome plating so it would have been intended for one of the millitary vehicles but ended up on this fire engine, The picture was sent in by Forum member wtsgmi1970, Thanks wtsgmi.
 photo wtsgmi1970wheels_zps89skigc7.jpg

Tractorboy Rodger has been busy collecting errors, He sent in several very interesting pictures this year including this 29b Austin Cambridge, It looks like the dark metallic green paint ran out while the model was still being painted, Nice one Rodger, Thanks for sharing.  photo tractorboypaint_zpsjkjbh1wo.jpg

And now we have a Major pack error with this M1b BP Autotanker having several extra letters printed onto the decal, How they got there is a complete mystery as the extra letters are not associated with this particular model. photo courtesy George Marshall.  photo M1b_zpsw27h4ouc.jpg

Now this one is from Forum member and toy dealer Tim Leathers aka tjlglass (nee bettyswollocks), It shows a Y1 Allchin Traction engine fitted with one rare straight tread wheel and one normal diagonal tread wheel, I guess we could call it a half rare, Nice one Tim, Thanks for sharing.  photo tim tjlglass_zpsf5zf2dta.jpg

Now we have a later model of a Lamborghini with a missmatched pair of wheels, one in silver the other is gold, It was sent in by Mike (& Nico) who was last seen at the top of an Austrian mountain clutching a battered Matchbox toy, Thanks for sharing Mike (wherever you are!).  photo mikesilvergold_zps551nksky.jpg

Reg (Fixer) strikes again with this lovely casting error. The rear side window is filled in by a piece of sprue that should have been removed by tumbling but clearly this did not happen, Reg, What have I told you about getting your tumbling done properly. Thanks Reg, Its a very nice piece.  photo fixercasting_zpsd9bovj0k.jpg

Yet another one from Reg (Fixer) but this time with a reversed front wheel. Nice one Reg. I never knew you had a soft spot for ratty old VW vans, Good on you man, And thanks for sharing.  photo fixerwheel2_zpsoazlbnc9.jpg

And here we have another severe case of chunks of metal missing from a roof, I think it is due to poor metal flow but no doubt it will be blamed on acid rain or tinworm. This photo was sent in by Forum member Tandyfan, Thanks Tandyfan.  photo tandyfan cast_zpsptbrvijg.jpg

This unusual double labeling on a 32c BP Tanker is not seen very often, The photo was sent in by toy trader and Forum member Rob Freeman, Very nice Rob, Thanks for sharing.  photo rob 32 Tanker B_zpsiswbhrwn.jpg

Just like buses, you wait hours for one and then two show up at the same time. But thats hardly surprising as this one was found by Forum member Brad Pittiful who is also known as Dan by his friends. Dan has a reputation for finding rare and unusual toys for pennies, Thanks for sharing Dan.  photo dan brad pittiful_zpsn4swp3tm.jpg

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