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Lesney Matchbox error pieces 2015
or, the oops hall of fame 2015.

These were all submitted to me in 2015 and are shown here in no particular order, Most are from Forum Members with a few borrowed from ebay and elswhere, These could not have been compiled without your help so a big thank you to all of you that submitted the photos,

Sometimes an error piece can show us what might have been had Lesney decided on a different direction for a particular model, And this Dodge certainly does that, I'm sure you will agree the Dodge looks better with hubbed wheels, This photo was sent to me by Al, Thanks for sharing Al. Its a super looking error piece.
 photo 13 Dodge Wreck Truck Error.JPG_zps54p6uv35.jpg

The late 26a ERF mixers with silver wheels can be found without trim but this early metal wheeled version should have full trim but this error does not, The picture was sent in by Mike (& Nico) from Austria, Mike if you see this then get well soon and hurry back to the Forum, We miss you my friend.  photo mike008_zpsjjrdlty8.jpg

This picture shows a Ford wrecker with a crane support leg missing. See I told you there were probably more of them out there. ok, I can't help it if I have second sight, This picture was sent in by another Lady collector Christine Macaluso, Thanks for sharing Christine.  photo christinemWreck_zpshh81eixc.jpg

This Lambretta has a severe case of oops to the paintwork, A dark green scooter paired up with a lighter green sidecar does not make a very attractive model, pic borrowed from a certain very well known auction site that deals in fakes, repaints and badly done wheel swaps.  photo eb8_zpsbsmogi4o.jpg

This one belongs to my friend Hugh Stiles aka Idris, Forum moderator who I owe a great deal for taking the helm of the forum for some time now, The yellow cab and orange tipper make a very attractive oops, Thanks for sharing Hugh.  photo Hugh6c-1_zpso3s9poox.jpg

Sadly Hugh missed this super rare reverse colour version with orange cab and yellow tipper so I got it instead. Better luck next time Hugh.  photo hugh-6c NJ_zpshi5gfkib.jpg

Another very nice box error this time with misalligned colours, It was sent in by Forum member Tandyfan, Thanks for sharing Tandyfan, Its a super oops.  photo tandyfan box_zpsjdyjohqp.jpg

This is not really an error piece but there is something seriously wrong with the paint so I have included it here, Finding green Matchbox toys with discolouration like this is not uncommon but this one the paint is starting to peel as well, Sent in by Rodger aka Tractorboy from the Forum, Thanks Rodger.  photo tractorboypaint2_zpspmuvtg2u.jpg

No its not a headrest, Its another casting error, this time to a 75h Dumper which should have had the metal sprue removed by the tumbling or rumbling but the sprue stayed attached to the casting, This one was sent in by forum member Matthias Zogg, Thanks for sharing Matthias, Very nice.  photo mathiasmbox75headrest_zpsjaynddgb.jpg

And another one from my collection which was a gift from the very lovely Numi, The paint on this 35 Merryweather fire engine is quite dark at the front and very much lighter at the rear. I'm not sure if it is due to the spindle not spinning when it was painted or possibly it was a bright red early merryweather oversprayed with the later dark metallic red paint.  photo DSCF9219_zpsjvrmzl0p.jpg

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