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Lesney Matchbox error pieces

One unusual diversity in the interest in Lesney's Matchbox toys is in collecting error pieces, As our collections become more complete it becomes much harder to find the variations that we need so quite a few collectors are now turning to seeking out error pieces as an easy way to continue to build up their collections without going broke on the super rare models, While we may not come home from toyfairs with the super rares we seek at least we're not empty handed. Some of the models shown are from my own collection but many of the photos have been sent in by the owner, A big thank you to you all.

Probably the most common of all 'error pieces' are those with mismatched wheel treads as shown on this 27c Cadillac which has the earlier knobbly tread wheels on the front axle and the later fine tread wheels on the rear, Cadillacs with odd wheels are quite common.

Photo courtesy of Louis (Carb) from the forum.


Another Cadillac with an almost identical fault, Although the wheels are not the same tread pattern as in the first picture the early treads are still on the front and the fine treads on the rear.

Photo courtesy of AMSCZ from the forum.

This 39b Pontiac has mismatched wheels, Although the wheels are all fine tread pattern the ones on the rear axle are of a larger diameter than the front giving it a street racer look. Pontiacs with mismatched wheels like this are hard to find

This one is from my own collection.

A 63b Morris 1100 with the larger fine tread wheels fitted to the front axle and smaller fine tread wheels fitted to the rear, In my experience I would have to say mixed wheels are probably less common on the later models such as the Morris.

Photo courtesy of Goggo from the forum

For some reason finding 23d Trailer Caravans with fine tread wheels on one axle and knobbly treads on the other is not unusual, On the Cadillac the axles would have been fitted at different times as only the front axle needed rivetting, With the Trailer Caravan there is no reason why the axles can't be fitted at the same time so the reason for the mixed wheels remains a mystery

Photo courtesy of George Marshall.

Although this 22b Vauxhall Cresta has wheels of the same size and tread pattern it has grey wheels on the front axle and silver wheels on the rear, Crestas with mixed wheels are not so common.

Photo courtesy of Christian Falkensteiner.

Here we have a 35a E.R.F Marshall Horsebox with large diameter wheels on the front and smaller ones on the rear although they are the same colour this time, The E.R.F with odd or mismatched wheels is quite common, perhaps due to the large overhanging body and hiding the evidence from quality control.

Photo courtesy Rod (Viewfield) from the forum.

A 65b jaguar 3.4 liter (or 3.8 according to the box - another error!) with knobbly tread silver wheels up front and fine tread grey wheels on the back, So we have wheel colour error, a tread pattern error plus the box description error, Three for the price of one, no wonder collecting these error pieces is currently so popular.

Photo courtesy of AMSCZ from the forum.

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