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Lesney Matchbox error pieces 2016 page 7

These were all submitted to me in 2016 and are shown here in no particular order, Most are from Forum Members with a few borrowed from ebay and elswhere, These could not have been compiled without your help so a big thank you to all of you that submitted the photos,

This Rolls Royce has the plastic window unit fitted facing the wrong way, A faulty Rolls Royce!. shhh..don't tell Ghostie or he will have a heart attack!.
photo courtesy Roland (miller) of the forum. thanks for sharing Roland.
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And yet another entry from Steve (matchboxkiwi) from the forum, this time it is a window unit that was not fully molded possibly due to the machine running out of plastic, cool error Steve.
thanks for sharing.
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And just to top the last one here's another window oops but this time the window unit is missing completely and the model is still sealed inside the blister, awsome, another one from the incredible collection of Steve (matchboxkiwi) from the forum,
Thanks for sharing Steve.
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Its a shame to find a fairy hard to find variation of a very desirable model that has been spoilt by an ugly oops, but the miss stuck wheel riveting on this Pontiac does not detract from the model too drastically.
This one was sent in by Rodger (tractorboy) from the forum, Thanks for sharing Rodger.
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This Trailer Caravan has also suffered a miss strike by the wheel riveting machine, but we should at least be grateful it that it was not fitted with grey plastic wheels. now that would have been a tragedy.
yes you guessed it, photo courtesy Steve (matchboxkiwi) from the forum, Thanks for sharing Steve.
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Another page from the eye bending pocket catalogue from hell, well, New Zealand actually.
Thanks Steve (matchboxkiwi).
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Now for an oops from Stephan's collection (malibu). It has been suggested that the Commer ice cream van attendant that is not holding the customary ice cream cone in his hand is so common that it ought to be given its own variation code!. hmm, I don't think so.
thanks for sharing Stephan.
 photo malibu stephan ice cream cone_zpsidkyifiz.jpg

And now for something completely different, or maybe not, its another plastic molding error but this time there are no missing ice creams,
and what would todays health and safety brigade make of this shoddy scaffolding?. From the collection of Steve (matchboxkiwi), Thanks for sharing Steve.
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