The Y4-3 1909 Opel Coupe was introduced in 1967. It was painted white and had brass 12 spoke wheels, The roof was brown plastic which had no rear windows and a smooth finish and the seats were maroon or red plastic. The roof strut locating pins were cast in to the sides of the body but soon they were removed and molded into the end of each armrest on the plastic seat. The grill insert was usually red or maroon plastic to match the seats and the grille shell, bulkhead with sidelights and the two handbrake and gearlevers were all brass plated metal and the steering wheel was black plastic, Soon after the seat pins had been relocated the baseplate underwent two modifications in quick succcession, First the models description was changed from "Models of Yesteryear 1909 Opel Coupe" to "Matchbox Models of Yesteryear" on a raised panel with "1909 Opel Coupe" written below. Soon after the baseplate giftware mounting holes were filled in. The last two runs of white Opels had a new brown roof with a textured finish and rear windows. The model was recoloured to orange with a black roof with rear windows, Maroon seats, cream grille and chromed 12 or 24 spoked wheels, The Opel was replaced by the Y4-4 Duesenberg in 1976 but was re released as part of the Connoisseur set in 1984 painted bright red and darkred with a brown textured roof, This later version of the brown textured roof was marked "Limited Edition" to avoid it being swapped onto an earlier white version to make a faked rarity.