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Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-32 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon type WA

The Y32-1 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon type WA introduced in 1990 in the livery of Samuel Smiths Brewery of Tadcaster. The body and boiler were painted a dark orange-red , It had a cream or white roof with white wheels and flywheel and the drive chain, boiler endcaps, chimney, seats, steering column and chassis were black plastic, The cab rear wall was light brown and the barrel load was dark brown. It was liberally adorned with gold lining and lettering, The model was not deleted or replaced but no further issues were released.


Above: The Yorksire wagon borrowed the load bed floor insert and the barrel load from the Y27 Guinness so it is quite surprising how heavy the model is when you consider how much was made from plastic, There are no hard to find issues.

Above: The Yorkshire wagon can be found with either Y8 or Y32 inscribed on the baseplate as both types were in use at the time.
