Above: The Acorn Storage van had a light blue container and bonnet with a grey cab and container roof, The front wings were either dark blue or dark grey and the baseplate was dark blue plastic, The wheels were a light brown 5 spoke design and it had dull dark red seats. Early versions were generally a lighter shade of blue and usually don't have the windscreen securing brace on the inside of the cab roof and come with dark blue front wings, These can be found with gold or light gold tampo. Later issues were a darker blue with dark grey front wings and will usually have the windscreen securing brace, These versions can be found with a 1984 or 1985 made in England baseplate. The final version was made in Macau and has a 1985 dated made in Macau baseplate and a slightly lighter blue in shade, The cab is pale grey and the container roof is charcoal grey.