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Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-21 1926 Ford model TT Van

The Y-21 1926 Ford model TT Van was released in 1989, The first verson was in red and green in the livery of Osram lamps, In 1990 it was replaced by the My Bread issue which was painted beige, These first two releases were made in Macau but for the third release production had moved to China so both the model and box were altered to reflect the change. The last standard release was a limited edition in the livery of Drambuie which was black all over with gold and red lettering and lining with gold plating to the brightwork which resulted in a very striking model which became an instant hit with collectors.
Promotional models were also released in the following liveries, "Antiques Roadshow" a 1992 release in all over black, "Jenny Kee & Waratah" in dark blue with another for "Pro Hart & Lunchtime" which was painted dark green, these were sold as a pair. Then there was the blue-green with a black chassis and white roof with "Classic Toys" tampo and finally the "Barclays Holdings" issue which was white with a black chassis and a turquoise roof, As for values on the promotionals I honestly don't know but they will certainly be higher than the standard issues. There have been no new issues of the Ford with the Y21 since 1993 but the model has since been released in other specialised Yesteryear ranges.


Above: The Osram livery was red and green so the van had a green body with a red roof and wheels, The chassis was black with grey plastic flywheel and radius rods mounted underneath which added a touch of realism,
It had silver plated radiator, headlights and windscreen frame and the seats were dull grey plastic, The center of the radiator grille can be silver plate or painted black and the black grille variants can have a smooth inner to the roof above the seats or one with a central rib. It was made in Macau and there are no rare variations.

Above: The lack of plastic parts in the Ford TT made for one heavy model but it did at least gave the impression that it was good value for money.

Above: The second livery was for My Bread Baking Company that was painted beige with black chassis, It had red 12 spoke wheels on riveted axles and a chromed radiator surround with a black grille, The seats were dull grey plastic and the radius rods affixed to the baseplate were also dull grey plastic.
Later a second issue was released which was painted a slightly darker beige, Its seats were a dull brownish-grey and it had red 12 spoke wheels but this time on push fit axles, The most obvious difference is the brown paint used in the tampo printing was a much darker shade than used on the first issue.

Above: The baseplate of the My Bread Ford was modified to include the screw hole in the base so it could be secured in the new type boxes, This left no room for the "Matchbox" logo so it was moved from the baseplate to the underneath of the van body. This version was also made in Macau.


Above: Showing the lighter beige, Riveted axles and the push fit axles, The lighter brown and darker brown used for the tampo which is most noticable on the running figure's trousers.

Above: The "Drambuie" version was made in China, It was painted black all over. The radiator, headlights, windscreen frame and wheels were gold plated and it had dull grey plastic seats and radius rods affixed to the baseplate, The tampo was in red and gold with red lining and the cab doors proudly displayed the Drambuie coat of arms which resulted in a very stiking model that was eagerly sought by collectors,

Above: The Drambuie baseplate was modified to reflect the new country of manufacture so it now has a Made in China inscription
