The Y-21 1926 Ford model TT Van was released in 1989, The first verson was in red and green in the livery of Osram lamps, In 1990 it was replaced by the My Bread issue which was painted beige, These first two releases were made in Macau but for the third release production had moved to China so both the model and box were altered to reflect the change. The last standard release was a limited edition in the livery of Drambuie which was black all over with gold and red lettering and lining with gold plating to the brightwork which resulted in a very striking model which became an instant hit with collectors. Promotional models were also released in the following liveries, "Antiques Roadshow" a 1992 release in all over black, "Jenny Kee & Waratah" in dark blue with another for "Pro Hart & Lunchtime" which was painted dark green, these were sold as a pair. Then there was the blue-green with a black chassis and white roof with "Classic Toys" tampo and finally the "Barclays Holdings" issue which was white with a black chassis and a turquoise roof, As for values on the promotionals I honestly don't know but they will certainly be higher than the standard issues. There have been no new issues of the Ford with the Y21 since 1993 but the model has since been released in other specialised Yesteryear ranges.