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Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-21 1894 Aveling & Porter
Steam Roller

1987 saw the release of the Y21-3 1894 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller of James Young & Sons which was painted green with a red front roller cage and packaged in a Special Limited Edition box which became only the second steam powered vehicle in the range after the Y-19 Fowler B6, The model was pretty unique in that it was the first model since the Sunbeam motorcycle & sidecar to actually have fully functional steering. The model was mostly of diecast construction except for the roadwheels, engine brightwork and for reasons unknown the canopy roof supports were made from plastic and the roof seems very flimsy and I can't help thinking we will probably see dozens of these with missing roofs at toyfairs in the not too distant future.
The model was recoloured and re-released as Fred Dibnah & Son Steeplejacks roller "Betsy" which was a limited edition model and it was packaged in a special box. Although it's in a very similar colour scheme as the earlier version it is a much better looking model and I can't help thinking the rather odd looking red painted front roller cage as found on the first model is the reason why.
In 1988 the Y21-3 Aveling & Porter roller was replaced by the Y21-4 1955 BMW 507.


Above: The first release was in 1987 and it was painted mid green with a red front roller cage, It had yellow and black lining to the body and to the wheel spokes and the sides of the roof canopy had the name "James Young & Sons Edinburgh" in yellow, The firebox, smokebox and chimney were painted gloss black and the canopy roof was a very pale grey, The made in Macau model had gold plate to the brightwork and canopy supports. A seperately cast metal flywheel was painted mid green and attached to the side by a regular axle pin.

Above: The Aveling & Porter usually had "Matchbox", "Limited Edition" and "Macau" inscribed on the underside of the roof but a vary small quantity have been found with a completely smooth inner roof casting. These are considered to be rare.


Above: The little known Aveling & Porter with white tread to the rollers is also quite a rare piece that was made very early as it is also missing the inscription from the inside of the roof,
Photo courtesy Bob Tutt.

Above: At first glance the model of Fred Dibnah's road roller 'Betsy' does not look very different to the previous issue, But this model had extra black trim to the cylinder block, steering wheel and to the rim of the flywheel, More noticable is the gold plated steering bobbin mounted beneath the boiler, the red canopy supports and the black canopy all helped turn a good model into a great one.
This Limited Edition model was made in China and it was packaged in a special box.