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Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-18 1918 Atkinson
Model D Steam Wagon

The Y18-2 1918 Atkinson Model D Steam Wagon joined the range in 1985, It was released as a Limited Edition in the green livery of the Australian company 'Lake Goldsmith' sand & gravel pty ltd, It had the water tank mounted behind the cab and a short load bed. It was next released in 1986 in the yellow livery of 'Blue Circle Portland Cement', This model had the water tank mounted underneath and behind the rear axle giving it a longer load bed.
It was then released in 1987 in the blue livery of 'Bass & Co'. It had a new flatbed with posts and chains to secure the load of seven barrels, It also had the water tank mounted behind the rear axle and it was released as a Limited Edition. The final version was in 1988 in the red livery of 'Burghfield Mills of Reading' which was a recolouring of the Blue Circle issue but it was enhanced by adding a lengthened flour sack load as used on the Y-27 'Spillers' Foden. The model was not replaced but no further models were released.


Above: The Lake Goldsmith Atkinson had a green body and wheels, red chassis and black engine, drive chains, interior and mudguards. It was enhanced with black, white and yellow lettering and lining and the boiler was chrome plated which all adds up to one very attractive model, It had a Made in England baseplate and was packaged in a Limited Edition box, There are no variations.

Above: Note the water tank mounted up behind the cab

Above: The two types of water tanks

Above: The next livery was in Blue Circle's Yellow body and wheels, black chassis and blue lettering & lining. It had a Made in England baseplate and a lengthened load bed due to the repositioning of the water tank from behind the cab to below the chassis, Early in the run it was found that there was a problem with the tampo printing which left a gap in the body line on either side of the front panel, This was soon rectified
A later run appeared in a deeper yellow with darker blue lettering and lining.

Above: Nice, but not as nice as the Lake Goldsmith

Above: The gap in the body
line was soon filled in


The Bass liveried brewers dray had a new flatbed body with posts and chains, It was painted blue with a black chassis with a red engine and wheels, It was set off with gold lettering and red & gold lining.
The flat bed was a completely new casting which had black plastic posts with real chains, The load bed was a realisic looking brown plastic with planking detail. It had the baseplate modified to read Made in Macau and was released as a Limited Edition of 60,000 pieces, There were no variations.

Above: The load of seven barrels was a refreshing change.

Above: The Burghfield Mills of Reading was a recolouring of the Blue Circle Atkinson. It had a red body and wheels while the chassis, engine, mudguards and interior were black plastic, The light brown plastic sack load was as used on the Y27 Spillers but it had been lengthened buy adding an extra row of sacks to the rear of the molding. The lettering was in white and yellow and it had a Made in China baseplate, There were no variations and although the model had not been deleted and replaced there were no further issues.

Above: The Burghfield Mills, Colourful but rather garish


The Atkinson was a very colourful and detailed model