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Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y1-1 1925 Allchin Traction Engine

The Allchin was released in 1956, It was painted darkish green and could have a dark brown or black flywheel. Full gold trim was hand applied to the models fitted with crimped axles which was reduced on the later issues that are fitted with rounded axles. The wheels were painted red with the front wheels being red or dark red all over and the rear wheels were also red or dark red but could have painted or unpainted treads, The boiler door at the front can be found painted or plated in copper, gold, green or silver.
The cab floor had 9 slats which was increased to 11 and on the later issues and the towing eye had some minor modifications to the shackle, On the first issues the treads on the rear wheels were cut straight across the face of the wheel but were soon modified to diagonal treads. The final run was mistakenly fitted with wheels with a smoooth face that were intended for the Y11-1 Aveling & Porter Road Roller. This is a commonly faked variation but a close examination of the axle ends will reveal any tampering.
A few examples of the Allchin have also been repoted to have a steerable front axle and this is assumed to be a pre production variation that was not carried over to the regular issue. Note that the correct spelling is Allchin with two 'L's but on the endflap of the box the spelling is Alchin with one 'L'. The Allchin was deleted in 1965 after 9 years in production which is a very long time for any Lesney model.


The ones to look for: Steerable front axle (very rare), Smooth rear treads (very rare), Straight cut rear treads (rare). Green or silver boiler door (hard to find).