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vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:20 pm
by malcberry
hi all looking advice about something I bid on and won brought it on 08\08/19 lot number 2156 the description reads
Matchbox Originals 18a Caterpillar Bulldozer - yellow, red blade, silver wheels and black tracks, Pre-production resin sample - these models were made from Lesney era castings and are particularly interesting because most retain the Lesney England casting to the base (standard production models have Matchbox China).
I don't know nothing about them but thought it could be interesting there was a few of them auction no 2155/2173 are they new models ? have I paid to much any one with any info would appreciated will try and do photo later thank you malcolm
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:09 pm
by matchboxmarcel
oooh Malcom, that's a pitte. Those lots are very rare but not the original Lesney models from the 50ties.
I watched them swell as I collect this series.
Replica's made by Matchbox themself.
I have made an english article about the Matchbox originals models. Last month I made a Dutch version of that article for the club of Belgium MOYBOYZ member Robert Duyndam and made new photos.
The original english article was lost in a crash of the mcch server but the article wass saved by one of the members and was reposted here:
Probally Kevin Ghosthunter saved it.
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:50 pm
If the article by Marcel was posted here on this forum then it should stil be searchable (Hugh!!). If it was posted when we were on the older (LeFora) forum then it is likey not retrievable unless we know some important 'Key Words' which would have appeared in the text.
We could just search through all of Marcel's posts but he has been a very active and long term member here this would take a very long time as he has 690+ posts here!!
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:33 pm
by DrJeep
It’s certainly interesting even though it’s not from the 1950s. The 40 year anniversary series were all made in China, so the England base is great. Any prepro is always going to be special, so it’s definitely something to be proud of. It would be great to compare it against the original model to see how they differ.
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 9:41 pm
by Idris
malcberry wrote:hi all looking advice about something I bid on and won brought it on 08\08/19 lot number 2156 the description reads
Matchbox Originals 18a Caterpillar Bulldozer - yellow, red blade, silver wheels and black tracks, Pre-production resin sample - these models were made from Lesney era castings and are particularly interesting because most retain the Lesney England casting to the base (standard production models have Matchbox China).
I don't know nothing about them but thought it could be interesting there was a few of them auction no 2155/2173 are they new models ? have I paid to much any one with any info would appreciated will try and do photo later thank you malcolm
really interesting! Any chance of a few photographs?
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 9:44 pm
by Idris
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:If the article by Marcel was posted here on this forum then it should stil be searchable (Hugh!!)
Not an article I remember, and my search efforts have (so far) drawn a blank.
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 9:46 pm
by johnboy
The posting by Tinman on Lefora (page two of the link) may be the one: Can someone retrieve this if so? ... 52697.html
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:31 pm
Thanks John, I got it and will endevour to bring it all here.
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:02 pm
Re: vectis auctions
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:18 pm
by Tinman
I've emailed the copy of the full article complete with pics to Ghosty. I can't do much else with it as my subscription to MS Office has expired.