Here are some of the smaller circa Matchbox size Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III models.

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The first model on the left is an 'IMPY' version, used here for comparisen, the rest are 'FLYERS' versions.

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As an 'IMPY' model, it has Black plastic tyres on metal wheel rims and 'Jewelled' headlamps. These were marketed in simple Window boxes.

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When the range was converted to 'FLYERS' with low friction wheel and axle components, #22 Rolls-Royce was in a new colour of dark Metallic Red, the 'Jewelled' headlamps have gone, the 'IMPY' name on the base was blanked-out and the box did not have the window section applied, it also had a large sticker proclaiming the model as a new flyers model.
The example shown above is the first version of a 'FLYERS' model with the Steel Spring suspension system.

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This is the modified version with the plastic suspension system and while there is no visible difference from the outside...

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...turn the model over and all is plain to see.

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This picture shows the blanking plate over the area previously used for the 'IMPY' name.
Another change happened to the model's specification, when the design of the wheels changed from the nice metal inserts seen on the first Flyer model, to a 'Hot Foiled' design similar to what was used on the Matchbox 'Superfast' models.

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In real life this design is classed as 'Ro Style' and was very popular on many British cars during the early 1970'S.
With the new wheels and additional colours, the models were put into slightly larger fully closed boxes.

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This example in White can a have Satin or Gloss finish baseplate.

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Deep metallic Blue.

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Non-metallic medium Red.

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The models here are essentially the cross-over models with the left 'IMPY' model having the flat floor behind the front seats, the next 'IMPY' model has the angled floor and the first 'FLYERS' model also has the angled floor behind the front seats.
One final detail change for the later Flyers, the front edge of the baseplate has a little notch added ahead of the base fixing screw, no idea why this was done!

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Early and later 'FLYERS' baseplates.
I have to thank Reg ("Fixer"), for the supplying of Two of the models from above to help me move nearer to completing my 'LONE-STAR' Rolls-Royce collection, Reg, despite what the others say about you, you are an Angel at Heart for doing what you did for me and that other model is still safe and sound.