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Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:19 am
by Idris
Taxidad wrote:II remember buying a lot from a mail order collectors named Two Guys Matchbox or something like that.
'Two Old Folks" perhaps?

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:36 pm
by zBret
Taxidad wrote:I really don't remember where I got it. Since there's three of them it may have been that my brothers and I each got one. I'm going to ask them and see if they know about them or if they remember them. There are a few I remember the tan crane I had forever, the RAF tanker I got from a train diaroma the gold grille mg was one of my brothers that I got. I remember buying a lot from a mail order collectors named Two Guys Matchbox or something like that.
You've shown quite a few rare models in your postings. Yet cannot recall exactly, where you aquired them. Though some, you say you have had for a long time. and others you say you aquired cheaply. You have previously said, that you don't know too much about these rares, only what you have read in some of the guides and on Nicks site- which state that they are rare.

My question to you is. Does it not concern you that perhaps some of these rare models you have, may not be genuine? Unfortunatly fakers and fraudsters of rare models do exist ,so one must be careful not to be taken in and scammed.
It really is a shame when when one spends their hard earned money on something only to find out, that what they bought, is not genuine. I surely hope, this is not the case, with the models you have in your collection and that they are indeed the real deal. I know that I as a collector myself, I would certainly want to know if a rare model that I happened to have, was indeed a true gem.


Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:20 pm
by Taxidad
Not two old folks, this was a mail order before the internet existed. Also bought from a magazine called Toy Shop. This also was before the internet. Don't have too much in them and I don't think many fakes were in the 50's and 60's and 70's. I don't have high dollar ones like the reverse wrecker, yellow cougar, green opel etc. and a lot of them were purchased by my parents for me and my brothers from stores in Europe, Canada and the USA when they traveled there.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:12 pm
by zBret
I'll take that as a "no" then- That it doesn't concern you to any great degree as to whether or not what you have in your collection is genuine or not- Me, I would want to know and I'm sure many of the other collectors here on the forum would want to know as well.The variations depicted by models that you have presented on the forum, are indeed, quite rare and quite valuable- if indeed they are genuine.

That aside, I really have a problem believing anything that you say or present, here on the forum has any truth to it. As your reputation proceeds you... Taxidad -aka Terry- aka TNT- aka Cudasub.

You now say, that you don't have any of the "high dollar ones" and yet when you were on here as TNT, you not only presented a 36b sea green Opel-with a false story about how you acquired it- but a 62c cream Cougar as well! Both of those models were proven to be fake. Are you saying you no longer have them or perhaps they don't count as they weren't originals.

As Cudasub on ebay, you have sold quite a few rare models, the origins of which, one would have to wonder about, whether they were genuine or not. I have documented, that you have acquired a grey wheel 47b, base swapped it and then subsequently sold it off as an original.

As you are someone with a known history of misrepresenting things,(even yourself) its understandable that you wouldn't have any concerns whether a model was genuine or not, only that it looked good enough to pass as genuine.

As far as I'm concerned, neither anything you say nor anything you present, here on the forum, has any credibility to it.


Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 pm
by Idris
Taxidad: the VBD site Admins and Mods have been presented with and reviewed certain information. There is no doubt in our minds that you are the Ebay seller known as Cudasub. That means that you are also Member TNT, who has been banned.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:45 pm
by motorman
Taxi dad or whoever you are, can I just add that you may have thought you could take us for fools but you have fooled none of us. We have known who you really are for some time :lol:

Did you really think you could get away with it? Who's feels a fool now?

Oh and by the way would you kindly refrain from playing your little games of deceit on our forum ever again. You are now very much on our radar.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:30 pm
by Taxidad
Of course your wrong, but it doesn't surprise me. Reading all the threads over the years posted, unless your a member of the click that make up this forum and you have nice hard to find cars in good shape your a suspect. That is why I was hesitant in even showing what I have.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:56 pm
by motorman
Taxidad wrote:Of course your wrong,
Really? PROVE IT!!!!

So who exactly are you if you are not Terry aka TNT aka Cudasub?

Let's have the truth mate because we seem to know more about you that you do. Now think very carefully before dare reply as It may surprise you to know that we have irrefutable evidence to support our claim.

Do yourself a favour, Grow some and admit your deceit and stop being such a sad little man.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:37 am
by Taxidad
Don't have to.

Re: 11b ERF Road Tanker

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:56 am
by Tinman
Taxidad wrote:Of course your wrong, but it doesn't surprise me. Reading all the threads over the years posted, unless your a member of the click that make up this forum and you have nice hard to find cars in good shape your a suspect. That is why I was hesitant in even showing what I have.
How ironic, that's the same exact thing you said last time your models and lies were challenged (including the same misspelled words).

The whole bumbling/fumbling collector back story was the first give-away. No one collects such a diverse collection with that many rare items and has that attitude of just good ole dumb luck and stumbles into so many very rare items. No one who collects, for as many years as claimed, is so ignorant of said rare and very rare models. The constant shifting back story was one of the first mistakes made. Once your identity was looked into, there was no hiding the truth. A web presence is far from a private or anonymous thing and the digital trail was easy to follow straight back to the liars lair.

Everyone here is indeed part of a "clique" (no one here is a mechanical sound or slang for kilometer, i.e. a click) ... we are a group of honest and honorable people who enjoy a hobby. This clique does not care for liars, cheaters, con-men who defraud others by selling fraudulent models and/or showing off faked models as the genuine item. You are transparent, shallow and boring. You have previously been weighed, measured and found wanting.