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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:51 pm
by SMS88
As it seems unlikely to be a brand or product in the UK from our memories then 3rd altenrative for YUM YUM could be an ad campaign slogan - we can pin these toys to 1971 or 1972 and most probably the UK so why not look at old TV ads from 1971-72 for food products perhaps aimed at kids/teens.
My best guess being YUM YUM was something from Mars confectionary ,who actually launched the ´´MUNCH´´ bar in the USA in 1970 - perhaps these were made for the proposed but aborted UK launch of the ´´Munch´´in 1971 or maybe something to do with the ´´Marathon´´ bar now better known as SNICKERS!
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:10 pm
by Idris
SMS88 wrote:As it seems unlikely to be a brand or product in the UK from our memories then 3rd altenrative for YUM YUM could be an ad campaign slogan - we can pin these toys to 1971 or 1972 and most probably the UK so why not look at old TV ads from 1971-72 for food products perhaps aimed at kids/teens.
My best guess being YUM YUM was something from Mars confectionary ,who actually launched the ´´MUNCH´´ bar in the USA in 1970 - perhaps these were made for the proposed but aborted UK launch of the ´´Munch´´in 1971 or maybe something to do with the ´´Marathon´´ bar now better known as SNICKERS!
I agree that a slogan is now looking a distinct possibility. If that it what it is, then we should be able to draw some conclusions from the use of yellow for the car (c.f. Jaffamobiles) and, possibly, the purple for the text.
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:26 pm
by johnboy
Am I grabbing at straws (or noodles here)? The date fits: ... rofile.php
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:40 pm
by zBret
then there is this.....???
"The term 'yum, yum yellow' was coined when it was discovered, in tests by the US Navy, that some species of shark were attracted more to yellow than to other colors; this was of concern as the Navy wanted to supply its sailors with yellow life vests that would be more visible in rescue situations" ... colou.html

Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:53 pm
The words 'Yum Yum' will look similar by so many companies choosing to use it. During the launch of a new product or brand, companies would be shown a catalogue of typeface styles available if they don't have an 'On-Board' commercial designer, which if your a small company, very unlikely. Choose a style that best fits the requirement of your product using Capitol and lower case letters, choose contrasting colours so it stands out and look at what you've got!
I don't think the term 'Yum Yum' itself can be registered, it is used by consumers to describe a sensation of a nice tasting food or drink, so I am not that surprised to find it is not showing up on registration, 'Brand name' or logo websites.
I live in the next borough to the UK Mars factory in Slough, I may just be able to pop in and ask a few questions, but I actually used to deliver Hire Cars to them, but that was a while ago now and there's no way I can recall seeing anything on display in a cabinet of past products, relating to what we are commenting on here.
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:48 pm
by motorman
Sorry to throw the cat amongst the pigeons, but i am a little concerned about this variation.
I realise that Mick has an example of this model and has presented some convincing comments to the forum to provide a level of certainty about the authenticity of this model.
I just find it really odd that all of a sudden Mick finds an example of this never heard of before "promo" at a swap meet in Denmark!!!! and then a couple of months later 4 of the same variation turn up at the same auction in the same lot at a small auction house in England.
Is it possible that these are Customs????
I know that this view may be controversial, but i keep getting these nagging doubts about this whole i the only one????.

Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:03 pm
by SMS88
motorman wrote:Sorry to throw the cat amongst the pigeons, but i am a little concerned about this variation.
I realise that Mick has an example of this model and has presented some convincing comments to the forum to provide a level of certainty about the authenticity of this model.
I just find it really odd that all of a sudden Mick finds an example of this never heard of before "promo" at a swap meet in Denmark!!!! and then a couple of months later 4 of the same variation turn up at the same auction in the same lot at a small auction house in England.
Is it possible that these are Customs????
I know that this view may be controversial, but i keep getting these nagging doubts about this whole i the only one????.

Faking that yellow candy coat (ie not a solid colour) over white primer which is a 100% perfect match for the #12 Setras would be extremely difficult.Planting 4 more at an obscure UK auction house then getting a member here to draw the attention of everybody else to the auction which appears not to have been won by anyone here is a lot of work for small change considering what they could have fetched on vectis
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:05 pm
by SMS88
BTW we are still waiting to see whatever happened to the tray of black SF17 Londoners that Nigel saw in R & D when he visited the factory, one day one or more will show up that only those who have heard Nigel´s account will be expecting to see.........
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:09 pm
by motorman
SMS88 wrote:motorman wrote:Sorry to throw the cat amongst the pigeons, but i am a little concerned about this variation.
I realise that Mick has an example of this model and has presented some convincing comments to the forum to provide a level of certainty about the authenticity of this model.
I just find it really odd that all of a sudden Mick finds an example of this never heard of before "promo" at a swap meet in Denmark!!!! and then a couple of months later 4 of the same variation turn up at the same auction in the same lot at a small auction house in England.
Is it possible that these are Customs????
I know that this view may be controversial, but i keep getting these nagging doubts about this whole i the only one????.

Faking that yellow candy coat (ie not a solid colour) over white primer which is a 100% perfect match for the #12 Setras would be extremely difficult.Planting 4 more at an obscure UK auction house then getting a member here to draw the attention of everybody else to the auction which appears not to have been won by anyone here is a lot of work for small change considering what they could have fetched on vectis
Mick i know what you are saying and like i said you have been very convincing with your comments and ultimately i hope that this is a an authentic model. I am just a little wary about its obvious lack of any pedigree.
Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:55 am
by Idris
I was initially highly sceptical of this variation but, given the evidence, I have now come to accept it as a being a genuine Lesney product. (The question which remains is "exactly what type of product is it?".)