Re: Factory Overpaint - Y-16-1 1904 Spyker
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:05 pm
Thanks for that.The 'o' s in the script should be perfectly round, yours are the normal type being numerical 'o's ( elongated) This would make it a later model than the prepro greens or maroon which all have the circular 'o' plus the fact the windscreen is also of the later type as well.Tradefreak wrote:I have a Matchbox Y-16-1 1904 Spyker that I'm pretty sure has been factory-overpainted. Green can be clearly seen underneath the factory yellow and, in my meagre research, I found out that the 1960 or 1961 Matchbox catalog shows a two-tone green one which, so I understand, was never released. For those naysayers who might think someone did this on purpose after the fact, I can tell you I'm the original owner and only noticed it a couple days ago. So, I'm looking for more info from those more knowledgeable than me. I tried uploading several pics showing all sides and the bottom, but this is the only one that loaded. Might need some advice on how to do that.