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Re: Time to ditch microsoft?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:45 pm
by Mikietom
I also use windows 7 and just turn off the updates. The last laptop came with windows 10 and it was a pain to uninstall it and reinstall my windows 7 pro - but as long as I can I will.


Re: Time to ditch microsoft?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 4:22 pm
Thanks Guys for all your responces and something I rather expected!!

On a similar note, why are we getting so excited about 5G. By the time most of you out there come home from work we may be considering 6G and before even I get up tommorrow someone will be reading about 7G, what's the rush!!

Why are non tech based companies being forced into spending money on updating to 5G when 4G is most of the time perfectly usable and in fact why not spend all that money on making 4G more reliable.

The internet access I have to rely on is abysmal, simply because there are no booster masts in my area for the phone signal and it is common knowledge where I live the signal hops around the area willy nilly, it is not stable enough and this could easily be sorted with very little cost.

For christs sake we give the phone networks enough bloody money up front for a phone system and access to a tonne of stuff most of us don't use or even want, so there is no shortage of funding!

As I and many others drive 40+ year old cars we have no interest in the ability of cars to be connected to a 5G network to tell us where fuel stations are, what the ideal speed is to concerve energy and fuel and to tell me my dinner is ready on the table!

In the UK we are expecting someone to spend billions (55+ to be exact), on a high speed train linking the south to the north (no idea why!), rather than spend it on the roads network, a total waste of money that could have been shared between the 4G network and Britains fragile roads, but I guess that would have been too easy!

:twisted: :twisted:

Re: Time to ditch microsoft?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:04 am
by Tinman
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:As I and many others drive 40+ year old cars we have no interest in the ability of cars to be connected to a 5G network to tell us where fuel stations are, what the ideal speed is to concerve energy and fuel and to tell me my dinner is ready on the table!
I could not imagine having to drive a 40 year old car as a "daily driver."
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:In the UK we are expecting someone to spend billions (55+ to be exact), on a high speed train linking the south to the north (no idea why!), rather than spend it on the roads network, a total waste of money that could have been shared between the 4G network and Britains fragile roads, but I guess that would have been too easy!
Been waiting for several years for a higher speed train project to be completed that connects central Florida with southern Florida. It can't come soon enough. The traffic on the roads between the two is insane. Last year, my wife was nearly killed in a 7 car pile up while traveling between the two.

For every person with a like for the current situation, there's far more that are waiting on the improvements. The denser the population, the greater the need for expanded data capacity and speeds. Same goes for better modes of longer distance transport than the automobile.

Re: Time to ditch microsoft?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:53 am
by Idris
I agree with Joe.
Studies have shown that building more roads and road improvements is not the solution. The M25 is a case in point. Far from solving London's traffic problems, vehicle usage has simply increased, turning it into the World's biggest car park. Even nominally doubling its capacity from three to six lanes has brought no solace.
The money being spent on phase 1 of HS2 would be better spent on improving rail connections in northern England or, even better, in reopening many of the lines foolishly closed (with the trackbeds then short-sightedly sold off) as the result of the Beeching Report - a stitch-up driven by the then Minister of Transport, Marples, who had substantial road-based business interests, and not to forget the political interference which resulted in the botched Modernisation Plan.
Phase 1 of HS2 might have some merit if it connected to HS1 (the Channel Tunnel link) and, built to Continental loading gauge, serving to connect Europe to what's left (after Maggie's misguided decision to change the UK to a services-based economy) of the UK's manufacturing base in Northern England. (Cue calls for rebuilding the Great Central.)
What this Country needs is a mature , integrated, non-'Londoncentric'transport policy driven by something other than free-market ideology.

Re: Time to ditch microsoft?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:21 pm
by Sebastian10
I find Microsoft very useful - usually as an egg timer! :lol: :roll: :lol:
