Elsewhere on the forum (here...
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7176#p79262), info on the new collectors guide for the 'Models of Yesteryear' range recently introduced appears.
Having contributed to this guide I was reluctant to give my views as I am bound to be biased but here goes!
The book is intended as a guide to models produced by Lesney Products Ltd from 1956 to 1972.
It is a guide to be added to the earlier book by the same authors (shown in the link in my first post above), itself an intended update of the previous reference books known by collectors as the 'White Books' originally instigated by MICA (Matchbox International Collectors Asscociation).
This new book is in English and the quality is outstanding helped by the use of high quality pictures of the models, mostly taken especially for the book.
My first impression is that it is not a beginners guide and some general knowledge of the range of models would be of benefit to those buying the book, but if you already have a collection of models and you already have a 'White Book' to suppliment this collection, then this new book is for you!
A big bonus over the 'White Books' is the format, it has been designed as a traditional easy to handle book in portrait style, not landscaoe (White Books), with a hard cover making it stack nicely in the cabinet.
The layout inside is very good and so pleasing to look at with the many pictures being just the right size for my eyes!
The variations tables look a bit daunting at first until you get used to how they work, but by adding colour that corrosponds to the components used on the models is a big help.
The price point of this book considering the amount of valuable information inside is amazing.
I am not sure if this will be the only guide to appear or if this is part of an ongoing update program. There certainly is more information out there that could go into a follow-up or maybe a soft cover suppliment, but I think this is the best Yesteryear models book so far and have no problem in recommending it to those interested in the range, seeking accurate variations information for their own models.