code number
wheel type
code 1
red body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
black, no tow guide
grooved toe, no cutout
no rear brace, no corner braces
code 2
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
grooved toe, no cutout
no rear brace, no corner braces
code 3
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
grooved toe, no cutout
with rear brace, no corner braces
code 4 NEW
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
grooved toe, no cutout
with rear brace and corner braces
code 5
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
solid toe, no cutout
with rear brace, no corner braces
code 6
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
solid toe, no cutout
with rear brace and corner braces
code 7
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, no tow guide
solid toe, with cutout
with rear brace and corner braces
code 8
orange body, green windows grey container, silver loader
11.5 x 45 black plastic
plated, with tow guide
solid toe, with cutout
with rear brace and corner braces