code number
wheel type
spare tyre
tank hole
baseplate type
code 1
olive green body & base, silver trim
11 x 24 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
with hole
squared corners
no tongue
code 2
olive green body & base, silver trim
11 x 24 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
with hole
squared corners
with tongue
code 3
olive green body & base, silver trim
11 x 24 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
no hole
squared corners
with tongue
code 4
olive green body & base, silver trim
11 x 24 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
with hole
rounded corners
with tongue
code 5
olive green body & base, silver trim
11 x 24 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
no hole
rounded corners
with tongue
code 6
olive green body & base, silver trim
11.5 x 45 black plastic
11 x 24 black plastic
no hole
rounded corners
with tongue
code 7
olive green body & base, silver trim
11.5 x 45 black plastic
11.5 x 45 black plastic
no hole
rounded corners
with tongue