The Lesney model of the 5d London Routemaster bus replaced the earlier issue in the Matchbox 1-75 series in 1965, It is easy to tell this model from the earlier issue because this one had a cream or white plastic interior and the earlier issue had none. Also the later issue had no silver trim. Like the real Routemaster it was painted red but shades can vary significantly. The baseplate was also red and like the previous buses it included the cab as part of the casting. It was fitted with 9 x 36 black plastic wheels on dome head axles with rounded ends. The interior was molded in two parts and it is not unusual to find models with a mixture of cream and white interior components. The regular Lesney issued versions would be found with either BP longife decals or BP visco-static decals or labels, Both of these issues are very common. Another very rare issue is fitted with News of the World decals that are normally found on the Yesteryear Y-3 tram which went out of production in 1965. The decals were applied to the buses some time after this, It could be a result of Lesney not wanting to waste perfectly good decals but I suspect they were unofficially made up by an employee much like the reverse colour 13d with crimped axles. There are two body castings which differ at the rear end, The early issue had fine body lines and the later had heavier body lines and two extra lines added. There are four baseplate variations too, Baseplate 1 had five lines of text. Baseplate 2 had four lines of text. Baseplate 3 had four lines of text and recesses under the axles. Baseplate 4 had four lines of text and recesses under the axle but it also had two small braces added in front of the front axle. The Baron of beef decaled version was a promotional issue for a London restaurant of that name and the issue with Pegram labels was a promotional issue for the Pegram shopfitters company Ltd which is still in existance. The Baron of beef version is very rare and the Pegram version is rarer still. The Routemaster was packed in 'E' and 'F' type boxes, The 'E' box is very common but the 'F' box is quite rare and would probably add £50 to the prices quoted below. The bus was deemed to be unsuitable for conversion to superfast wheels so it was deleted in 1969 to be replaced by the 5e Lotus Europa.