This Web Site is just starting, so only a few sections are available right now. My first goal is to build an illustrated version of a picture box guide for regular wheels based on Christian Falkensteiner work. I began this task by collecting as many pictures as possible of all boxes available. The front pictures are almost all there, but I am still missing a few. The next step is to gather all the end flaps of all possible boxes existing. Of course, this task is almost impossible without the help of fellow collectors.

I also began the models pages, where you can find one web page for everyone of the 236 models in the regular wheels range. Every page will give a short description of the model, as well as a major variation list, an illustrated list of boxes and other useful information. And hopefully, some pictures. Of course, you are welcomed to add information, pictures of models and boxes, and anything else that might be useful.

My main goal is to provide as much information as possible on Matchbox regular wheels, and I hope this will become a place where collectors can share that information and add their own, in order to build a knowledge base. Extra pages sections and pages will be added from time to time so make sure you browse through the different menus.