This topic has probaly been up before, so excuse me for doing it again.
It seem that there are 2 way of uploading, one of them seem bad, as you dont get the whole picture and have to scroll around in it. The other one is like the old forum. How is that done ? and we scould all use that methode.
Now then Dr Jazz, I just post mine the same as I did on the old forum, crop and resize them then put them onto photobucket, and they do the rest when you want to send them. I do not seem to have any trouble with this way. I do send mine as an {img} code not as an attachment.
I do it exactly like George does, I use Photobucket. I'm a member at three different sites that use this same software and I learned long ago to abandon trying to directly upload and to use photobucket for best and consistent results.
I'm finding direct uploads annoying and as a result I'm often skipping topics and photos where members direct upload huge uncropped files. I might be missing some interesting discussions and items, but it's human nature and if the upload is difficult to view and or requires too much manipulation ... I'll skip that member's post. I know others have the same complaint and also skip posts for the same reason.
The bottom line is that everyone would do themselves (and the forum) a favor by using an off site photo hosting service.
Hi Jazz, if a forum photo has the slider bars (scroll bars) you can click on it to display the image full size. Sometimes images are so large that you have to play with the browser zoom in order to see the whole picture, which is a pain. Using photobucket seems to work well, (I might be wrong here, but if a user removes the photo from photobucket then isn't the the photo removed from any links, including those here?) Personally, I post from my pc and open photos in paint and reduce them down to around 20% and then attach them to the post and that seems to work ok too.
Last edited by johnboy on Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hi guys, both methods have their pro's and con's. The 'Photobucket', method, (other image storage sites are available) is very popular and despite trying several times, I have not been successful in registering with the site, so have ignored it. I personally prefere the 'direct' method and have got used to it, there are still a few minor quirks I have to figure out, but am happy with the results so far.
The deleting of images from a site like 'Photobucket' does remove it from any where else you may have posted it, another model site or a friends 'on line' album.
Large file sizes of members images are a problem and I can understand why "tinman" skips these, not only as he says, some fiddling to be done to see a decent sized picture, but it slows your PC down slightly, while your browser downloads such a large file.
Please, please forum members, go and have a look at the 'Edit your pictures' thread for some tips, thank's.