Its disheartening to receive a parcel in this condition Mr Moko......Not a good feeling at all.
On a positive note the contents are safe and so is Misterpop

. I had never come across such a flattened package before.It seems to have been run-over by a hyster/vehicle in the warehouse or so.This could happen to the best of sellers/packers.
Generally some sellers do not take pride in the packaging/packing which supposed to be part of the deal.Some sellers just seem to be there only for the taking and fails to realise that the item remains in their jurisdiction until the buyer acknowledges receipt in-hand and that the goods are in satisfactory condition.Some sellers simply do not apply common sense or common knowledge that these packages are not hand-delivered like fresh cookies but are mixed/loaded with other hard goods/cargo in the same crate/cage/net/container and are transported by Air,road,rail and then warehoused/handled and then despatched out to delivery,again with/amongst other parcels/goods.All that matters is that they got paid but fails to realise that the /any problems could arise just after that.
Sometimes/in some instances receiving a flattened package is better than receiving no package at all!!
On the other hand some sellers are on the ball and even offer to place valuable models in tupperware type containers for added protection.Now thats my type of seller!!!