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K16B Petrol Tanker "Total"

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:44 am
by charliep
K16B Petrol Tanker. Issued 1974. All England casting.
Cab: White.
Cab base: White, red, bright red, dull red or dark red.
Cab base cast: Type 3 - Raised area between the rivets with K-115.
Cab exhaust stacks: Short stacks.
Cab axle covers: Black or orange (found also reversed).
Cab radiator grill: Black.
Windows: Clear or green.
Hood latches: Chrome.
Fifth wheel with raised area (stopper).
Fifth wheel: Black.

Trailer: All white or white & red. White or black stripe.
Trailer base: Type 2: K16 Articulated K115 Tanker/small trailer to cab connecting pin.
Trailer axle cover: Black or gold; closed or open.
Trailer walkway (catwalk): Chrome.
Plastic cover of dolly wheel assembly: Black.
Front plastic platform: White or black.
Hoses: White or black.
Trailer label "Total" found either in the middle or to the rear.
Rear labels: Small or large.

Total: All have type 3 cab base and type 2 trailer base with chrome catwalk. All have short stacks and black radiator grill.
1. Wht cab & base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(6)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/all wht trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/sml rear label.
2. Wht cab & base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(5)/blk xle cvr f.aft/Total to rear/all wht trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/sml rear label.
3. Wht cab & red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(9)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/all wht trailer/wht hose/blk closed xle cvr/lrg rear label.
4. Wht cab & red base/clr wind/blk fifth whl(1)/blk xle cvr f.aft/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/wht hose/blk open xle cvr/sml rear label.
5. Wht cab & base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(4)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/wht hose/gld open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
6. Wht cab & red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(5)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/wht hose/gld open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
7. Wht cab & red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(9)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/blk hose/blk closed xle cvr/no label.
8. Wht cab & red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(8)/org xle cvr f.aft/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
9. Wht cab & dull red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(7)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total to rear/wht & red trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
10.Wht cab & red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(6)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total in middle/wht & red trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
11.Wht cab & bright red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(8)/blk xle cvr f.aft/Total in middle/wht & red trailer/blk hose/blk open xle cvr/lrg rear label.
12. Wht cab & bright red base/grn wind/blk fifth whl(1)/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Total in middle/wht & red trlr/blk stripe/wht hose/blk open xle cvr/lrg rear label.