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Matchbox Track Sets and Accessories

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 4:13 am
by matchboxkiwi
I have a lot of Matchbox Superfast track sets and accessories for trade and sale.
I am after SF-4 Superfast Twin Loop Race Pack, Canadian version with handle and five cars.
SF-8 Superfast Track Set for Girls
Track 700 - Power Booster Circuit with Devils Leap
S-300 Streak Drag

There will be many track sets, accessories and related paper work posted here so keep your eyes open if your into these sort of items.

To start with I have SF-22 Tune Up Kit. The kit itself and trade box. I have them with 4/- and without. See photos. Swap or trade only.
You know from my postings how varied my collection is so if you see something you want I'm happy to consider trades or swaps for any other Matchbox items.

Thanks Steve