Y-3 Model-T Copy
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:25 pm
A useful resource for collectors of British diecast toys
I get your point about the auction site as it seems that it's at that point where more people will use it as soon as more people start using it. The only way round this is for people to use it. My first 2 listings netted me 20p each and the next 2 look like netting 20p each. Fair enough, they would only have made 99p a piece on ebay, but the only way for use to increase is for us to use it and if that means making a little less than you would on ebay for the first while then so be it. Funnily enough, with the more desirable items I doubt if you'd lose anyway. Even registering makes a difference (only 39 people have so far) as does going and viewing items as every page view will push the site further up 'Google' rankings. I think most casual viewers would be more inclined to return to a site with 200 listings of variable items than one which had 10 htf items and nothing else.tjlglass wrote:To be honest its early days for the vbd auction site and ebay gets a much bigger audiance at present and seeing as i got no response after posting this for 2 days im thinking there is little or no interest so iv'e put it on ebay for .99p start price. Please feel free to have a bid over there and once Nicks auction site gets off the ground i will use it more.