Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW

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Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW

Post by matchbox_n_molars »

Back in 2012 at the Albuquerque Gathering I ventured into Bill Burgess hotel room to see what he had for sale. It was there that I found an example of the rather elusive 12B Land Rover with 11.5 x 45 Gray Plastic Wheels. It was in reasonably good condition aside from the fact that one corner was fractured off of the windscreen frame. Our friend Tinman asked me to share some of the photos of the repair process.
12B1.jpg (24.76 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Upon returning home to my dental office I sat down with my new broken Matchbox Toy and some of my dental restorative materials. I used a flowable composite resin filling material and two glass slabs to fabricate a piece roughly in the shape and size of my broken windscreen corner.
12B2.jpg (24.42 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Light activation of the composite resin
12B3.jpg (24.4 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Trimming the patch piece to proper length and shape
12B4.jpg (42.62 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Phosphoric acid etching of both the patch piece and the bare fractured metal on the toy
12B5.jpg (17.51 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
12B6.jpg (31.62 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
The plastic snap top containers contain a liquid bonding resin which gets painted onto the etched patch and the etched metal. The syringe is a 2-part resin cement.
12B7.jpg (24.63 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Applying liquid bonding resin
12B8.jpg (19.19 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Light activation of the liquid bonding resin
12B9.jpg (20.68 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
A small dab of the 2-part resin cement was added to both ends of the patch piece, held carefully in place and then light activated to "set" the cement.
12B10.jpg (41.42 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
Fortunately the Testors military green model paint matches the 12B quite nicely
12B11.JPG (81.79 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
The final product
12B12.JPG (76.37 KiB) Viewed 3269 times
I've had a few people give me grief about ruining the value of this rare toy by "restoring" it. I think anyone with common sense understands I could pick up the toy and snap off my repair patch at any time and return it to the pre-restored condition. No, I just made it easier for me to gaze across my collection shelves without my eye going to that broken windscreen every time I looked at the 12Bs.
Greg in Cincinnati
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Re: Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW

Post by Tinman »

I'd love to find an older second hand dental drill. They look a little more ergonomically adapted to one's hand than the Dremel.  OK, mid paragraph, I remembered they (Dremel) makes a Flex Shaft with a hand wand for the Dremel power head. When I looked it up I discovered it was only $30.00 USD and placed the order right then and there.

Back on topic, thanks for posting those pics. I'm sure others find it as interesting as I did.  Also, once again, great job!
It might be time to start my "Bucket List."
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Re: Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW

Post by matchbox_n_molars »

Ya, I'm envisioning that in retirement (2023 is the plan) I'll probably fiddle more with model making, customizing models, maybe even taking a crack at some body work on a real automobile. But one thing's for sure! I will have an electric dental motor set up at the house with a stock of some basic dental bonding materials. These are the tools and materials I know best!
Greg in Cincinnati
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Re: Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW


I can just imagine someone phoning Greg's dental practice booking an appointment.

The receptionist on the phone to a customer...''Yes Sir, Tuesday Morning at 10:30am for a check up and two Matchbox models for repair, thats fine Sir, see you Tuesday''.

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Re: Repair of 12B Land Rover with GPW

Post by durangokid »

Thanks for sharing and love the detailed photos/explanation of your process. The model looks great! Well done
Sure glad you wandered into my trading room that day. What I REALLY hope is that we can get together again in July in Albuquerque, NM and trade/talk more Matchbox—....... what a treat!
Be careful and safe my friend,