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Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:46 pm
by DrJeep
I was really pleased with the code 1 cattle truck I found last year but I couldn't resist this one, in even better condition and complete with an excellent box and two bulls.
IMG_7683.jpg (251.11 KiB) Viewed 1746 times
Interestingly, the new one is closer to yellow rather than the yellow-orange of the previous model (new one on the left here).
IMG_7684.jpg (320.51 KiB) Viewed 1746 times
Both are Nick's code 1, without braces under the rear of the cattle box. Is this the normal range of colours for this early code? I can't see any casting differences, but this one does seem closer to the colour on the box.

Before anyone asks, this one is also without Lesney cast on the wheels.

Re: Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:54 pm
Nice stunning condition model Glen. I can see the shade difference on my laptop screen and to me it looks like the model on the right has a thicker paint covering. Is this why it looks richer than the left model. Look at the DODGE letters under the windscreen.


Re: Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:01 pm
by petethesweet
Hi Ghostie, do you think the various shades come from the first out of the pot or the last. Pete.

Re: Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:16 pm
by DrJeep
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:to me it looks like the model on the right has a thicker paint covering. Is this why it looks richer than the left model.
You're right - the paint is definitely thinner on the left model. Is that enough to explain the difference in shade? I just don't know. I'll take a picture of the rivets tomorrow to see if that helps. The right model is similar in shade to the code 2 and code 5 models I have.

Re: Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:09 pm
petethesweet wrote:Hi Ghostie, do you think the various shades come from the first out of the pot or the last. Pete.
Hi Pete.

The usage period and the envoirnment can have an effect on colour shades especially in the early days of production as companies like Lesney find their feet and we must always remember they were under a lot of pressure to produce, pack and distribute so many of their product line, cutting corners (incorrectly mixed or a substiute paint) were never too far away from the minds of those in charge!

In the period of production for this Dodge I would have expected better production facilities than those of the earlier years and these later models should not be subjected to such inherent problems apart from the application of more than one coat of paint, something we do see a lot on Matchbox models.
DrJeep wrote:I'll take a picture of the rivets tomorrow to see if that helps.
Yes Glen, as you know we love seeing pictures of bases and rivets... :D


Re: Another 37c Dodge cattle truck

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:50 am
by DrJeep
GHOSTHUNTER wrote: we love seeing pictures of bases and rivets...
and here it is! Definitely thinner paint on the left, but I think also a paler colour. It's probably just the normal range for this model. Thoughts welcome.