I like it! Odd plastic colors are often written off to sunfade, chemicals, smoke damage and discoloration. The Bronner cases bleed plastic colors according to some 'Experts'. I have spent the last six years concentrating on some odd plastic colors found on regular wheels that where never documented. Yes, I have bought some fades, and also some models effected by the above conditions, but I now have an impressive array of factory original plastic colors as shown and influenced by George on his #9 Boat deck colors at Nick's variation site.
An orange barrel on this Mixer is new to me. All I have ever seen have been yellow, but the color looks consistent in joerimoko's pictures here. We may very well have a new short run variation to watch for on this Mixer in the future. Is the gear driving the Mixer barrel the same orange color also as it appears in your pictures?
Thanks for inviting the experts Mike, but I figured I would beat them with my answer first..... LOL........kwakers
Thanks for inviting the experts Mike, but I figured I would beat them with my first answer ..... LOL ........ kwakers
Hello Kwakers.
I see you as a great expert.
I am a small collector of Matchbox models.
Thank you very much for your interesting answers.
We can learn much from you.
joerimoko wrote:nice answer . . it is no discoloration, it's too much orange I think, a barrel of a superfast can, but how is it on a regular code 1? .
Why do you suggest that this is a Superfast barrel? If this is a variation code 1, surely that would point to the possibility of the barrel (and the drive worm?) being pre-production plactic components.
Is the barrel secure, i.e. is the pin at the rear still firmly attached?
Very odd colour, I would keep to one side and keep looking/waiting for another. Now you have shown it here hopefully some others will turn up.
I will certainlly be looking now.
Just out of interest you say you have seen this on a superfast, is that faded?
I've had 2 of these, both Regular Wheels. The first had a drum held in by pin and the drum was most definitely yellow. The second has (or did have - it's broken) the drum that holds itself in with the 'pip' and is a light colour - I would say 50/50 orange and yellow. It would be good for someone with plastics expertise to comment, but much like paint I would expect some variation in colour from batch to batch from new. The fact that the colour on this one is so uniform on the barrel and the gears makes me think it's original. Nice one.
nickjones wrote:How long will it take for someone to show us another one?.
Probably a very long time. This kind of variation stands out like a sore thumb and, if they were out there in even penny numbers, it would have been flagged up long ago. My guess would be that this represents one of perhaps only two or three survivors. (It may even be unique!)
It is more likely that a model with a similarly coloured worm drive and a normal coloured barrel will be discovered.