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K186A Peterbilt Container Truck

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 5:25 pm
by charliep
K186A Peterbilt Container Truck. Issued 1995. China Castings.

1. Black cab/chrome chassis/black rubber tires/black container/"Jim Beam 200 years" diff.tempa/PP.
2. Black cab/chrome chassis/black rubber tires/black container/"Jim Beam 200 years" tempa.
3. Blue cab/chrome chassis/black rubber tires/blue container/"Matchbox" tempa.
4. White cab/chrome chassis/black rubber tires/white container with blue roof/"Tyco International" tempa.

Re: K186A Peterbilt Container Truck

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:04 pm
What a great Truck and well done Matchbox Intl for designing and bringing a classic American 'Big Rig' to market. I was close to two people who built and collected the AMT kit versions at about 1/25th scale and boy oh boy did they take up a lot of room!

If I had spare income and some spare space, those would be with me right now!
