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18 Hondarora

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:51 pm
by johnboy
Sorry, it's silly question time because I don't know my Hondas from my Hondaroras. This one is a Hondarora with Honda parts. It came in a cheap job lot and the seat/panniers are very firmly attached. I don't have any others to compare it with, but are these parts easily interchanged between the two models? The kickstand also has a small extra piece next to it, I'm not sure if this is intentional or part of a sprue.

Re: 18 Hondarora

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:02 pm
by yellowfoden
Hi John,

Your example of yellow 18F usually just has the seat. The black seat with pannier with police label do come with green rider but only with fixed front fork #33 as found in K71 super-king police set.
My own catalogue listing has the yellow with black seats and the first yellow came without rider and others had tan or brown with or without open left hand grip. Christian does show a green rider without white detail on yellow bike in blue window box.

Normally the seat plastics are not interchangeable between an 18 and a 33 and although they may fit they do not snap in like they are supposed to. I have attached three pictures to show body casting under the seat showing why they are not meant to be swapped over. The seat plastics are cast with 18 and 33 underneath.
I am not in the habit of swapping plastics but did grab an 18 and 33 and tried swapping and not convinced they suit, certainly would not stay on with play time.

The pictures with the two red 18’s are from Christians site and it may be possible a 33 seat/pannier would fit on the earliest casting.

The small tab next to the stand seems to be quite common on English and Macau castings and I have four with this extra tab on either model.


Re: 18 Hondarora

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:56 am
by johnboy
Many thanks Bert, the plastics seem a perfect tight fit and I don't want to attempt to remove them to see what's going on underneath. I'll have to look out for some other bikes to see if an in-hand comparison yields anything.