Original Matchbox 1-75 models

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NLH 100
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Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by NLH 100 »

I think it is time to sell my collection. I bought them new in the 50s and have kept them in original boxes in various houses since. I have had a look at ebay and spoken to Auction houses, who seem excessively greedy in their charges to both Buyer AND Seller. I do not want them to end up with a dealer and am unsure of the best way to ensure they go to collectors. I am currently favouring Ebay. Any suggestions? Also where is the best place to find a variations list, it would help if I could have some idea of current values before I start selling them. I have found the Darkens List NZ and Real price guide, which seems very out of date, any other good ones? All help appreciated. NLH 100
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models


Here is a resized image showing all models together.

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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by Moyboy »

Not sure if you have looked at Ebay as it is easy to find the current value of a model just by checking recent sales under the 'advanced' search. Most seem fairly mint but a few with flaws on like the decal chips and the repainted 33 etc. A model will always find its real value on Ebay if you think you will lose money. You can list a model at 99p start and if its worth 100 quid someone will pay near to that figure so its a no brainer really.
NLH 100
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by NLH 100 »

Thanks for that. I guessed that would be the case, but I have usually sold real sized vintage cars and there are loads of scams there. Obviously with lower value items scamming is not worth the effort.
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by YYS4BOB »

NLH 100 wrote: Obviously with lower value items scamming is not worth the effort.
Don't you believe it! There's scum out there that will scam you for a tenner.
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by DrJeep »

You’ve got a great collection, though I don’t think there’s anything really rare. They’re nearly all in good condition so you’ll get decent prices.

List the good boxed ones individually with good clear photographs, including the boxes. The first picture should include the box and the model. Don’t forget a base picture (many people do). You might think about grouping the repaints and the ones without boxes, bearing in mind that they won’t make mint prices. Start them low - if you can’t face 99p don’t go above £5. Make sure the listings finish when bidders are likely to be at home. You’ll get more last-minute bidders if the listing finishes in the evening but not after 10 pm. Don’t have them all finishing on the same day or at exactly the same time, as people will probably be interested in several of them and most of us like to bid in the closing seconds! Be sensible with postage costs, offer combined postage, and be sure to pack them well, as no one wants a squashed box. Don’t end the auctions early even if it looks like no one is bidding. It will all happen in the last few minutes. Good luck!
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by Idris »

The best online variation guide is here. take the time to catalogue each model correctly and add the "Nick Jones variation code" code to the listing, ideally together with a link to the relevant catalogue page.
Make sure that your photographs are in focus, and that they are detailed enough to be zoomable.
You need to consider whether you want to sell to just the UK, to Europe, or to the World. If the latter, you will need to exclude some countries (others can advise which).
When calculating postage, you would be wise to insist that anything over a certain value is sent signed for/recorded delivery. If combining models into a single parcel, compulsory insurance is also worth considering.
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by mmi »

many of us have the same problem
and it does not work much better on here with the limited market all having the same cars
if in the USA seller BEWARE !!!
ROW your govt has reserved you some slight help,contact someone here that has successfully sold from your country.
epay is going to hit you 22-35% and likely other problems
as a starter (less than 2k feedback) all of the problems will be enhanced
you must have a reserve or start where you can live with
shipping $ must be noted ,reasonable/safe as can be sourced,able to be combine,hold item for 2 weeks (if more listed)
global BS is going to add $3-15 per item, adds $0 to value
delay auto epay BS whining for money.1 week
6+ good detail photos are a must.
do not believe the solds value !!! unless it is someone here or you find a way to secretly contact (actual) buyer.
many sales and values are shall we say not kosher
as a starter epay will not pop you into a search 4-8-10 x in fact item may not show for most or only 1 type of searches
the ONLY function of feedback is to set pricing.

when I sold, if the item cost $150 wholesale, no one would bid/start at $150,so I could start for .99 ..AND UNLESS I had high fee reserve I was contract bound to deliver the item for $ .99 if it ended there.
high feed back sellers sold the identical item,every week for $300,inclusive of more pieces than MFG actually produced .

right now (for 3 weeks) dealing with a seller didnt like the $1 bids (I being only one whom found items in search)
(starter like you would be)
have offered seller actual value,still refused to send some items and set "new" $ on others
epays only interest so far, circumvented fees$$

good luck !
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by Idris »

If you are in the States, don't use the Global Shipping Program. It costs overseas Ebayers money and delays delivery. (It's so bad that I always try to avoid buying GPS items.)
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Re: Original Matchbox 1-75 models

Post by mmi »

if you are wanting to target the USA market
it is 2-3 x The volume of individual ROW markets
but with 152K mb items 80K are perpetually in the never sell,rental seller overpriced,junk overpriced,recycle listing months on end. ANd they get top position in any search.

MB items sell best 7-11pm (8-10)EST with sunday the best,cycle wakes up Oct 25,picks up to peak Nov 20-Dec 25 tapers for 2 weeks
picks up again until feb 15 wanes until week of Mar, 12-22 then dies for ROY

there are 100's of categories where over priced perpetual renters are the ONLY listings ,some may have in a year 20 small sellers list several items and die.
example check out some different bolts/fasteners
when you can purchase them at corner store for $.05 to $ 1.25 ea the renters have them EVERY week 4 for $20 and elude they sell EVERY week,you list them at $2 ea and never get a bid.
good luck let us know,if you do list them or find a better method