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K7C Racing Car Transporter

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:37 pm
by charliep
K7C Racing Car Transporter Issued 1973. All England castings.

Body: Yellow, dark yellow or white.
Canopy: Clear, smoked, amber or orange.
Tailgate: White, red or dark red.
Base: Silver.
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MC).
Windows: Clear, smoked, amber or dark amber.
Interior: Blue or black.
Headlights: Chrome, blue or black.
Roof spotlight found on all models in white accept where noted.
Labels: Team Matchbox or Dunlop/Martini Racing.
Racing car: MB24B Team Matchbox in red or green; MB34A Fromula 1 in yellow or purple; MB56B Hi Tailer in white.

1. White body/orange canopy/white tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/blk lts/Team Matchbox/no spotlight/PP.
2. Yellow body/clear canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/clr windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
3. Dk.yellow body/clear canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/clr windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
4. Yellow body/orange canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/clr windows/blue int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
5. Yellow body/orange canopy/red tailgate/sil base/MC whls/smoked windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
6. Yellow body/orange canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
7. Dk.yellow body/orange canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/purple MB34A.
8. Yellow body/orange canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blue int/blue lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
9. Yellow body/orange canopy/ tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/blk lts/Team Matchbox/yellow MB34A.
10.Yellow body/orange canopy/red tailgate/sil base/MC whls/smoked windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/green MB24B.
11.Yellow body/orange canopy/red tailgate/sil base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/chrm lts/Team Matchbox/red MB24B.
12.White body/clear canopy/white tailgate/silver base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/Dunlop/Martini Racing/MB56 Hi Tailer.
13.White body/smoked canopy/white tailgate/silver base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/Dunlop/Martini Racing/MB56 Hi Tailer.
14.White body/amber canopy/white tailgate/silver base/MC whls/amber windows/blk int/Dunlop/Martini Racing/MB56 Hi Tailer.
15.White body/amber canopy/white tailgate/silver base/MC whls/clear windows/blk int/Dunlop/Martini Racing/MB56 Hi Tailer.
16.White body/dk.amber canopy/red tailgate/silver base/MC whls/dk.amber windows/blk int/Dunlop/Martini Racing/MB56 Hi Tailer.

Re: K7C Racing Car Transporter

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:33 pm
by nearlymint
Hi Charlie,
Just added this one with 5 spoke front wheels, actually looks pretty good with these wheels on the front.
K7 5 spoke front wheels
K7 5 spoke front wheels

Re: K7C Racing Car Transporter

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:48 pm
by Fred7A
One of the first toys I can remember! I have to admit that I don't know which variation it was, except that it was yellow...

Re: K7C Racing Car Transporter

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 11:24 pm
by charliep
nearlymint wrote:Hi Charlie,
Just added this one with 5 spoke front wheels, actually looks pretty good with these wheels on the front.
Hi Jason,
Nice addition. Yes, I tend to agree with you that the 5 spoke wheels look good on it. I do not
recall ever seeing one with those wheels before. One model that is found with wheel variations is
the K27B Boat Transporter. Maybe the folks at Lesney used whatever they could find at the moment that fit.
Little did they know, that decades later, collectors will be talking about it. Thanks for showing the picture.