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K149A Ferrari Testarossa

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:39 pm
by charliep
K149A Ferrari Testarossa Issued 1988.

Body: Red or dark red.
Base: Red or maroon. Plain or detailed. Macau or China.
Wheels: Five spoke star disc.
Windows: Clear.
Interior: Black; Cream seats.
Tempa: Ferrari logo.

1. Red body/red plastic Macau base/5 spoke star disc whls/clr windows/cream & blk int/Ferrari logo on hood.
2. body/red plastic Macau base/5 spoke star disc whls/clr windows/cream & blk int/Ferrari logo on hood.
3. Red body/detailed red plastic Macau base/5 spk star disc whls/clr wind/cream & blk int/Ferrari logo on hood & sides(PP).
4. Dark red body/detailed maroon plastic China base/5 spk star disc whls/clr wind/cream & blk int/Ferrari logo on hood & sides.
5. Red body/red plastic China base/5 spoke star disc whls/clr windows/cream & blk int/Ferrari logo on hood.

Re: K149A Ferrari Testarossa

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:26 pm
This is just great. Matchbox rather late bringing this to market compared to every other tom, dick and harry who introduced a toy or model of this now iconic car.

Lovely model of a lovely car, always wanted the real thing but could only ever afford the model!
