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K140A Leyland Car Recovery Vehicle

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:16 am
by charliep
K140A Leyland Car Recovery Vehicle. Issued 1987.

Cab: White.
Chassis: Blue or dark blue.
Base: Black; Macau or China.
Wheels: Five spoke mag.
Windows: Clear or light amber.
Interior: Black.
Dome lights: Amber that control steerable front wheels.
Tampo: Recovery; red & blue stripes.

1. White cab/dark blue chassis/black Macau base/5 spoke mag wheels/light amber windows/black interior/ red & blue stripes.
2. White cab/dark blue chassis/black Macau base/5 spoke mag wheels/clear windows/black interior/Recovery/red & blue stripes.
3. White cab/blue chassis/black China base/5 spoke mag wheels/clear windows/black interior/Recovery/red & blue stripes.

Re: K140A Leyland Car Recovery Vehicle

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:30 pm
Being an ex-recovery truck driver myself, I want this model. Shame they never included the failed BMW car you see on most trucks in real life.


Re: K140A Leyland Car Recovery Vehicle

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:16 pm
by AJR
Shame they never included the failed BMW car you see on most trucks in real life.

... or the burnt out Citroen.