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K131A Iveco Petrol Tanker

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:35 am
by charliep
K131A Iveco Petrol Tanker Issued 1986.

Cab: Yellow, dark yellow, white or red.
Tank: White or red.
Base: Gray or dark gray. England or Macau.
Wheels; Five spoke mag or white eight dot disc..
Windows: Clear.
Interior: Black.
Dome lights: Ambe that control steerable front wheels.
Side labels: Shell or Texaco.
Rear labels: Texaco star & 2R 1789 or 3YE 1270, Shell stripes 2R 1789.

1. Yellow cab/white tank/dk.gray England base/5 spoke mag whls/clr windows/black interior/Shell labels/2R 1789 on rear.
2. Dk.yellow cab/white tank/dk.gray England base/5 spoke mag whls/clr windows/black interior/Shell labels/2R 1789 on rear.
3. White cab & tank/dk.gray Macau base/white 8 dot disc whls/clr windows/black interior/Texaco labels/3YE 1270 on rear.
4. White cab & tank/gray Macau base/white 8 dot disc whls/clr windows/black interior/Texaco labels/2R 1789 on rear.
5. Red cab & tank/dk.gray Macau base/white 8 dot disc whls/clr windows/black interior/Texaco labels/2R 1789 on rear.