Ford Refuse no. 7

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Ford Refuse no. 7

Post by Sebastian10 »

Just acquired another one :) :)

Details are:

Slightly narrower clear plastic insert
No tow guide
Casting pip underneath rear lifting section
Thinner rear brace with corner braces
Container number 1

13 Ford refuse nearside view.jpg
13 Ford refuse nearside view.jpg (133.66 KiB) Viewed 601 times
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Re: Ford Refuse no. 7

Post by red-thumb »

Sebastian10 wrote:Just acquired another one :) :)

Details are:

Slightly narrower clear plastic insert
No tow guide
Casting pip underneath rear lifting section
Thinner rear brace with corner braces
Container number 1

G'day Sebastian,
Wow!!! I have never noticed the plastic insert (suspension) before, How many different inserts are there.???
I have only 3 variations VBD code 6 it has green.
code 7 it has clear.
code 8 it has amber.
When you say slightly narrower is that the cut-out.???
Could you please give more info about the PIP, old and blind.??? :oops:
How many variations have you come across.????

Down Under Red
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Re: Ford Refuse no. 7

Post by Sebastian10 »


Not too sure where the source of your VDB code numbers come from - maybe you could clarify this point for me - I have only seen information on the Ford Refuse truck in the Matchbox Regular Wheels 1-75 and the Missing, Previously-Catalogued RW 1-75 Regular Wheels forums. As far as I can remember none of these referred to the colour of the plastic insert.

In terms of plastic inserts the colours I have are:

The standard green (or turquoise to my eyes!)
Off white/light grey ( This is on a model that may hve suffered solvent or heat damage so may not be a factory original colour)
Yellowy green (This may be the same as the amber colour you listed)
Violet/Light purple

The off white/light grey insert is solid in colour whilst all the others are translucent i.e. see through

With regard to the model with the narrower insert this refers to the width across the insert when viewed through the front windscreen of the cab - it is not easy to measure - I would estimate it at between 0.5 and 1 mm.

Since I last posted I have found that some of my models have a number cast in the metal below the plastic insert - either 2, 3 or 4

These are not easy to see and may require the use of a magnifying glass and a good light source

Other slight variations include the letter on the inside roof of the cab glazing and the presence or absence of what looks like a lower case letter j or reversed number 1 on the inside surface of the top of the metal frame of the container

To see this you will need to tip up the back of the model and look in through the rectangular opening of the metal frame.

This should bring in to view the lower surface of the metal frame that is normally hidden from sight when the container is in the closed position and allow you see whether the model has the j or number 1 present

One of my models has a mixture of thin and thick wheels - I posted a photo of it in the Missing, Previously-Catalogued RW 1-75 Regular Wheels forum on Friday 13th April 2018. To see it just click on download/file.php?id=35521

With regards to the casting pip it is on the underneath of the metal container frame - approximately halfway across as per the attached photo - see centre of black circle

Happy Collecting :) :)

14 Base view ford refuse with rear casting pip .jpg
14 Base view ford refuse with rear casting pip .jpg (181.37 KiB) Viewed 523 times