Some mixed diecast for sale #1

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Some mixed diecast for sale #1

Post by waratah »

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I have a few mixed diecast for sale. They are coming from Canada so I apologise for the postage rates.
Postage to US starts at US$9 for 1-4 vehicles,
US$16 for postage to the UK, although if you want it surface it is only US$9 but it will take upwards of 6 weeks.
Each additional vehicle over 4 will add approx. US$1 to the postage price. I accept paypal, or US$ if you want to send that.
#74 white Daimler bus very good cond. US$2
#30 Faun crane very good cond. US$1
#4 Dodge stake truck very good cond. US$2
#47 DAF tipper very good cond. no lid US$1
#21 Commer milk float white load exc cond. US$9

You can post here to reserve, or PM if that's better for you

I will have another 2 or 3 listings, same postage etc apply.