K18B Articulated Tipper Truck. Issued 1974. All England castings.
Cab body: Red, metallic red, silver, white, off white, yellow, dark yellow or blue.
Cab base: 3 types of base cast:
Type 1 - area flat between the rivets.
Type 2 - raised area between the rivets.
Type 3 - raised area between the rivets with K-115
Cab area behind the exhaust stacks: open of filled.
Cab exhaust stacks: could be long (early type) or short; listed as "L.S." for long stacks or S.S. for short stacks.
Cab axle covers: black closed, black open, tan, gold, light orange, orange. Covers could be installed in reverse.
Cab radiator grill: Black or yellow.
Windows: Clear, light green, green, dark green.
Fifth wheel two types:
a. Without raised area.
b. With raised area (stopper).
Fifth wheel: White, yellow, gray or black.
Cab wheels : Maltese Cross (MC), 5 spoke mag (5SMW) or 5 arch.
Trailer sides: Ribbed or smooth.
Trailer tailgate: Black or yellow.
Trailer locking pin: Type a (large) ; Type b (small).
Trailer wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or five spoke mag (5SMW).
Trailer axle cover: Open black, closed black, open purple, open white.
1.Red cab/type 1 silver open base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk trailer/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
2.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
3.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
4.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/yel frt/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
5.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/yel frt/opn purple xle cov/red & yel strps.
6.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/yel frt/opn black xle cov/red & yel strps.
7.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
8.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type B/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
9.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5 arch fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/smt sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
10.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
11.Sil cab/typ 2 red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac/no label on cab.
12.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
13.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
14.Sil cab/typ 2 red closed base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
15.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & dk.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
16.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
17.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
18.Sil cab/typ 3 lt.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trl/typ B/rib sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps/no lbl on cab.
19.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
20.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/dk.grn windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
21.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
22.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
23.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
24.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/gry 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
25.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
26.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/dk.grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
27.Wht cab/typ 3 red opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
28.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/lt.grn wind/dk.yel & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
29.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/grn wind/dk.yel & lt.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
30.Yel cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn windows/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
31.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
32.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 flat blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
33.White cab/typ 2 blk clsd base/S.S./blk clsd axle cvr/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
34.White cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
35.Off wht cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn windows/sil & blk trlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
36.Blu cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & red trailer/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
37.Blu cab/typ 3 dk.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & dk.red tlr/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck
- Attachments
- 1.Red cab/type 1 silver open base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk trailer/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#1.jpg (197.58 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 2.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#2.jpg (205.37 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 3.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#3.jpg (208.18 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 4.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/yel frt/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#4.jpg (207.61 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 5.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/yel frt/opn purple xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#5.jpg (206.68 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 6.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/yel frt/opn black xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#6.jpg (208.5 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 7.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#7.jpg (182.71 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 8.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type B/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#8.jpg (207.74 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 9.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5 arch fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/smt sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#9.jpg (221.78 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 10.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#10.jpg (200.79 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 11.Sil cab/typ 2 red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac/no label on cab.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#11.jpg (199.93 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 12.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#12.jpg (203.89 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 13.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#13.jpg (212.51 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 14.Sil cab/typ 2 red closed base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#14.jpg (219.47 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 15.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & dk.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#15.jpg (204.27 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 16.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#16.jpg (215.99 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 17.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#17.jpg (211.49 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 18.Sil cab/typ 3 lt.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trl/typ B/rib sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps/no lbl on cab.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#18.jpg (208.22 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 19.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#19.jpg (201.87 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 20.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/dk.grn windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#20.jpg (207.9 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 21.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#21.jpg (226.58 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 22.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#22.jpg (206.06 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 23.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#23.jpg (201.9 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 24.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/gry 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#24.jpg (215.85 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 25.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#25.jpg (194.15 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 26.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/dk.grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#26.jpg (207.96 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 27.Wht cab/typ 3 red opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#27.jpg (199.58 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 28.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/lt.grn wind/dk.yel & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#28.jpg (209.32 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 29.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/grn wind/dk.yel & lt.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#29.jpg (204.71 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 30.Yel cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn windows/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#30.jpg (185.18 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 31.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#31.jpg (213.92 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 32.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 flat blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#32.jpg (203.69 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 33.White cab/typ 2 blk clsd base/S.S./blk clsd axle cvr/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#33.jpg (200.5 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 34.White cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#34.jpg (199.77 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 35.Off wht cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn windows/sil & blk trlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#35.jpg (188.71 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 36.Blu cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & red trailer/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#36.jpg (210.79 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- 37.Blu cab/typ 3 dk.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & dk.red tlr/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#37.jpg (208.19 KiB) Viewed 615 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck radiator variation of red cab.jpg (224.51 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red or metallic red cabs.jpg (217.68 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab windows variations.jpg (240.97 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations.jpg (257.09 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab short or long stacks.jpg (229.29 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab roof variation.jpg (209.9 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without label.jpg (253.26 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without fifth wheel locking pin pic#1a.jpg (214.11 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab red or dark red variations.jpg (224.92 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab variations pic#1.jpg (188.91 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cabs.jpg (201.52 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor white cabs.jpg (193.32 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck metallic red cab fifth wheel variation.jpg (254.71 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab fifth wheel variations.jpg (235.27 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations pic#1.jpg (220.09 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations pic#2.jpg (222.4 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab closed base.jpg (212.94 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief.jpg (216.37 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab orange axle cover.jpg (246.67 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck tan axle cover.jpg (224.05 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck cab base variations pic#1a.jpg (249.87 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red cab axle cover variations.jpg (233.67 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab axle cover variations pic#1.jpg (246.96 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow cab base variations.jpg (230.36 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab base variations.jpg (243.7 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab base variations.jpg (220.67 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief base variations pic#2.jpg (247.17 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck USS trailer variations.jpg (223.45 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer tailgate variations.jpg (189.4 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer large or small pin.jpg (226 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver trailer axle cover variations.jpg (247.83 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer axle cover variations pic#1.jpg (225.2 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #1.jpg (225 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #2.jpg (211.04 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#1.jpg (274.92 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#2.jpg (244.81 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#3.jpg (265.12 KiB) Viewed 624 times
- K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#4.jpg (256.45 KiB) Viewed 624 times