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sf32-d Maserati Bora page ready

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:45 pm
by nickjones
peruse it and let me know if there are any mistakes or errors.
please note, we have listed the baseplate in three colours, light lime green, metallic lime green and dark green, we have not listed medium lime green or pale lime green simply because they are the same basic colour in slightly different shades, no doubt if you were to line up enough Bora's you could extend the list indefinitely. ... sf32-d.htm

merry christmas everyone

Re: sf32-d Maserati Bora page ready

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:24 pm
by SportWagon
Not an error, and certainly not specific to this page.

But it looks like most/all Superfast pages are currently, at least on initial load, dominated by the picture of the Pontiac Grand Prix. That is a little confusing especially if one is given an out-of-context direct link to the page. A little extra confusion may persist in this case because the colour description for the Maserati is not far off that for the Pontiac. In my case, at least, the proper Maserati Bora pictures come along later, at the bottom. One "might be nice" presentation would be the correct box or pack at the top for the model in question, along with a picture of that model. (I.e. in the style of the current banner, but different for each model).

Sorry, this comment is made ignoring the work it would entail to solve. It is an observation made by someone (me) who, perhaps, had not become accustomed to ignoring the banner in question. (?)

Assuming the current SuperFast banner will be retained, complete with Pontiac, could the first picture of the actual model in question be arranged to show up between the title box and the description box?

The RW pages I look at do not have this problem because they do not have a banner incorporating a specific model. (But even then one picture before the text might be very nice).

Or... Perhaps the current banner is (and was) intended just as a placeholder for a per-page custom banner?

Re: sf32-d Maserati Bora page ready

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:55 pm
There are some good observations above and one could add to it by commenting on the fact the #13 Dodge Wreck Truck being used as the wallpaper. I can see why the images were initially chosen and the number of banner, or ident images chosen as a general introduction to 'Superfast' model details, a sort of 'Corporate' look to the pages.

Yes this could be fine tuned, although a lot of work, but knowing how many collectors additional to forum members taking in that presentation when they visit the pages are famaliar with the look, we may start to add confusion.

What do other members think?


Re: sf32-d Maserati Bora page ready

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:56 pm
by motorman
Personally i dont have any issues with the page lay outs.