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Deleted sale

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:42 pm
by ford_a_30
Deleted sale

Re: Assorted $5 cars Lot 1

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:28 am
by Moyboy
Cannot see pics - massive size

Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:45 pm
What's happening here?


Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:10 pm
by ford_a_30
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:What's happening here?

Sorry Ghosty, resizing every shot is a pain in the butt, requiring me to take, email, save, open, resize, save and upload each picture. From my phone I tried to just upload directly. Because multiple people have complained about picture size I just took all my sales down. Purchases made have been sent out but honestly when selling some $2-5 cars it isn't worth the time to go through all the picture hassles.
Because comments were made on a couple threads I was not able to delete the whole thread. As a moderator however, you can and are welcome to do so to keep the board tidy.

Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:25 pm
OK, thank's for the clarification.

I won't delete anything because even these few posts could generate comment from some corner of the forum.

I am sorry you are still having issues with posting pictures. It does seem that a small percentage of members can not grasp everything about posting images, they get so far and only have to missread one instruction and it all goes tits up!

You are welcome to test-post an image to me through the private message system we use here because the method is the same as posting onto the forum and if we can crack that, then the World (the forum), is your oyster... :D


Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:52 pm
by ford_a_30
It's not that I can't do it, it's that it is an insane amount of work. Technology has progressed to the point I should not have to add a half dozen steps to upload a picture. EBay, Facebook and many groups will size a picture when it's uploaded. The steps needed to do so here are quite frankly archaic.
While I would go through it to show an undiscovered variation, its too much work otherwise. I am surprised years after I have started here this is still an issue that has not been addressed within the software. This is an excellent group, with both top shelf information and great members, but this limitation alone slows the process, and I'm sure keeps others from attempting to show pictures.
I may work on the settings of the phone itself, to determine if pictures can be sized at the time they are taken to work within the parameters of the site.

Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:34 am
by Tinman
ford_a_30 wrote:It's not that I can't do it, it's that it is an insane amount of work. Technology has progressed to the point I should not have to add a half dozen steps to upload a picture. EBay, Facebook and many groups will size a picture when it's uploaded. The steps needed to do so here are quite frankly archaic.
While I would go through it to show an undiscovered variation, its too much work otherwise. I am surprised years after I have started here this is still an issue that has not been addressed within the software. This is an excellent group, with both top shelf information and great members, but this limitation alone slows the process, and I'm sure keeps others from attempting to show pictures.
I may work on the settings of the phone itself, to determine if pictures can be sized at the time they are taken to work within the parameters of the site.
Photos were never an issue as the bulk of all photos were handled via 3rd party hosts. However, with the sudden demise of free or low cost hosting, everything changed overnight. I don't store but a handful of photos files on my smart phone, I send everything to my personal computer. To reduce the file size and post on the forum is not much effort and can be done quickly.

Expecting Nick to pay for the increased server space to handle every forum photo file (VS hot linking them from a 3rd party where the photo's owner pays for storage) is really selfish on our part. He already provides the forum, the software, the server, untold hours creating the guides - all of which everyone uses free of any charge or fees. I think if we have to pay to have 3rd party hosting or spend some extra effort to bring in our photos off the cloud ... then so be it, it's the very least we can do.

Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:06 am
I can understand the frustration ''ford_a_30'' has and see where he is coming from. Maybe it is possible for him to download an autoresize 'App' from the internet into his smartphone.


Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:51 am
by Idris
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:I can understand the frustration ''ford_a_30'' has and see where he is coming from. Maybe it is possible for him to download an autoresize 'App' from the internet into his smartphone.

It would be better if it were part of the Forum's coding.

Re: Deleted sale

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:02 am
by Tinman
Idris wrote:
It would be better if it were part of the Forum's coding.
Who trusts "upgrades" after the lefora total disaster? Not me.