High Grade Rares Needed

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Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:35 am

High Grade Rares Needed

Post by hydra427 »

I am currently looking to buy the following models in high grade C9+, let me know if your looking to sell or know of some leads. I know these are rares and will command high dollar amounts but they are a few I have been after for a while.

1. 11a ERF Petrol Tanker (green)
2. 15a Diamond T Prime Mover (yellow)
3. 15b Rottinoff Atlantic Tractor (gray plastic tires)
4. 23b Berkley Cavalier Caravan (metallic green)
5. 23c Bluebird Dauphine Caravan (metallic green)
6. 26b Foden Cement Mixer (gray barrel)
7. 27a Bedford Low Loader (blue)
8. 34a Volkswagen 15cwt Van (SPW)
9. 39a Ford Zodiac (tan interior)
10. 41b Jaguar D Type (red plastic hubs)
11. 56a London Trolley Bus (SPW)
12. 59b Ford Fairlane Fire Chief's Car (GPW or SPW)

Thanks for looking, John
"For everyone you pass up, your always one behind"