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Advice on a car I have it's a green MG 1100

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:23 am
by Ian
I bought a horrendously over painted MG 1100 last year. I bought it because it was a superfast model but under the paint you could see it had in its glory days been green not blue. The condition is beyond horrible but I wondered what your thoughts were about what if anything I should do with it?

Re: Advice on a car I have it's a green MG 1100

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:29 am
As soon as we can see pictures of your MG, we can comment on it's status.


Re: Advice on a car I have it's a green MG 1100

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:33 am
by Ian
If I don’t figure this out fast enough I would be happy to send photos to somebody so they can add them here for me? via Facebook perhaps

Re: Advice on a car I have it's a green MG 1100

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:19 pm
by Rob
If I interpret your post correctly Ian you say this was a green superfast MG 1100 that has been overpainted blue, which if so meant that the owner turned a rare item into the more common item. If so this was probably done when the item first appeared and the person who did it probably considered at the time that the green colour was synonymous with the reg wheel model and was transforming the model into what was then the more desirable blue version....let's see some photos here out of interest please, thanks.

Re: Advice on a car I have it's a green MG 1100

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:40 pm
by Ian
I wish it was over painted blue! It was over painted metallic gold and the base and wheels were painted grey/silver. The car is ruined. You can see that it was well worn before it was over painted which is very sad indeed as I would have preferred it to have remained well worn green.