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Pre-Production Beach Hopper

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:15 am
by Idris
Pre-production 47d Beach Hoppers normally turn up in a powder blue, but there seems to have been a red version too. Here are photographs of one I acquired recently (unfortunately missing its driver). Note the red plastic seats (which are shown on Christian's website in what appears to be a normal, production model, but do not feature in his variation table. (No photographs of the baseplate, just in case you know who is watching. If interested, please PM me for additional information/photographs.) I have also added a photograph of a complete one that sold many years ago on Ebay.

Re: Pre-Production Beach Hopper

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:09 am
Do you think the windscreen is a later replacement, it seems to be thinner, slightly differnt top corner profile and does not show the same levels of 'Playware' of the rest of the model, especially the wheels.


Re: Pre-Production Beach Hopper

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:36 am
by Idris
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:Do you think the windscreen is a later replacement,
It wouldn't surprise me. It has obviously had a very hard life.