And another n00b
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:28 pm
Hello everybody.
I'm an ex pat Austrian calling Stockport home and - believe it or not - I live here voluntarily and actually like it.
I'm a lifelong autoholic and collector of cars, automobilia and models. I just sold a vast collection of plastic model kits since this got completely out of control,
so I can now fill the space with 1/18 diecasts until this gets completely out of control.
While rummaging in my currently half empty dungeon, I came across a box containing some of my childhood survivors
and it is this that brought me to this forum via TEH INTERWEBZ.
I have a proven track record of destroying Corgies, Dinkies and Spot-Ons by restoring and code 3ing them and will now continue with the smaller stuff.
However, I only molest really hopeless rubbish, otherwise it's no fun.
For example, this example I own for almost half a century now, I deem way too good for restoration:

However, it has been trackless for what must be 45 years, so I recently rectified that.

I'm an ex pat Austrian calling Stockport home and - believe it or not - I live here voluntarily and actually like it.
I'm a lifelong autoholic and collector of cars, automobilia and models. I just sold a vast collection of plastic model kits since this got completely out of control,
so I can now fill the space with 1/18 diecasts until this gets completely out of control.
While rummaging in my currently half empty dungeon, I came across a box containing some of my childhood survivors
and it is this that brought me to this forum via TEH INTERWEBZ.
I have a proven track record of destroying Corgies, Dinkies and Spot-Ons by restoring and code 3ing them and will now continue with the smaller stuff.
However, I only molest really hopeless rubbish, otherwise it's no fun.
For example, this example I own for almost half a century now, I deem way too good for restoration:

However, it has been trackless for what must be 45 years, so I recently rectified that.