BIG MX Tractor Transporter Blue Tractors?

Lesney Matchbox Accessory packs, Major packs, King-Size & Superkings
Posts: 157
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:49 am

BIG MX Tractor Transporter Blue Tractors?

Post by bobneumann »

Was the Big MX Tractor Transporter originally sold with all-blue tractors? I received all three of mine (gold, silver and yellow trailers) from Harold's Place in the 1970's and all of mine have orange tractors. I found one with a yellow trailer in a collection that had all-blue tractors. Is this a possible combination?
Posts: 628
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

Re: BIG MX Tractor Transporter Blue Tractors?

Post by charliep »

Hi Bob,
Good question. I have found only one Big MX Tractor Transporter with all blue tractors on a silver trailer. However, it does not take much to change the tractors around.
A hard Big MX variation to find is the one with a red cab with either silver or red trailer. I am not sure if you saw my post dated 10 October 2016. When it comes to Kings, nothing surprise me.
I keep finding variations that are not documented anywhere. It makes it that more interesting although not good for the display space.