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Lesney article in "Motoring" March 1966

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:40 pm
by kay
Hi all,

a friend of mine bought this magazine via ebay and gave it to me:


Inside I found three pages with an article about Lesney Products.......




Very interesting article (especially about Soviet Union, buying 80.000 Matchbox models in 1961, and continuing the next years!!).
I don't know if all pictures included in the magazine are known from catalogs or books - some seem to come from well-known foto session sequences, but are slightly different.....


Re: Lesney article in "Motoring" March 1966

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:49 am
by matchboxmarcel
thanks Kay, also for posting the frontpage so that I can look out for one also !
